TM 11-6625-821-45
ohmmeter connected across CONTROL TEST
the other two positions. When the CONTROL
terminals J3 and J4 and with the CONTROL
TEST switch is set to position 13, CONTROL
TEST switch in positions 11, 12, and 13. RE-
TEST terminal J3 is connected to the 850-
CEIVER-CONTROL switch S4 connects
1750-kc range control line through front
ground from the control unit to pin L of P301
switch wafer S4C.
and to CONTROL TEST terminal J4, CON-
indicate the value of resistor R308 with the
TROL TEST terminal J3 is connected to the
range switch set to 8501750 and indicate con-
190-400-kilocycle (kc) range control line
tinuity with the range switch set to either of
through rear switch water S4B. The ohmmeter
the other two positions.
will then indicate the size of resistor R308
1-6. Detailed Functioning of
with the range switch set to 190-400 and indi-
Test Fixture
either of the other two positions. When the
is mounted between the fixed loop antenna
CONTROL TEST switch is set to position 12,
and a Q-meter. The position of loop test fix-
CONTROL TEST terminal J3 is connected to
ture switch S1 determines which of the two
the 400850-kc range control line through
pairs of coils in the fixed loop antenna is can-
front switch wafer S4D. The ohmmeter will
nected to the Q-meter. Capacitor C1 in the
indicate the value of resistor R308 with the
loop test fixture supplies the Q-meter with the
range switch set to 400850 and indicate con-
tinuity with the range switch set to either of
Q of the coils in the fixed loop antenna.
Section III.
CONTROL switch is set to the RECEIVER po-
sition. This description, along with the in-
Interunit functioning is included in this sec-
terunit schematic diagrams in figures 5-11
tion to describe the functions of the control unit
through 516, will help maintenance personnel
and how the test set interconnects these func-
tions to the receiver when the RECEIVER-
to troubleshoot the test set.