TM 11-5826-225-35
i. Removal of IF Amplifier
from switch shaft access hole on front
panel of receiver.
(2) Pull out subassembly.
( 2 ) Remove three screws and three lock-
washers which secure RF shield to
left side of receiver, and remove RF
(3) Loosen two setscrews on switch shaft
(2) Pull out subassembly.
k. Removal of Bfo Subassembly.
switch shaft to gear train subassem-
(2) Pull out subassembly.
(4) Slide switch shaft out through access
hole in front panel of receiver ((1)
1. Removal of Tuning Capacitor Subassembly.
cure cover ( 102) of gear train sub-
(1) Remove switch shaft (c above).
assembly, and remove cover.
(2) Remove one screw and lockwasher (B,
(2) Remove capscrew and lockwasher (K,
fig. 31) which secures tuning capaci-
tor subassembly to gear train subas-
(3) Pull out subassembly.
(3) Loosen two setscrews on tuning capac-
e. Removal of Second RF Amplifier and
balanced Modulator Subassembly.
part of gear train subassembly.
(1) Remove switch shaft (c above).
(4) Loosen lowest screw of four screws
(2) Remove one screw and lockwasher (C,
32) .
(5) Remove screw and lockwasher (L,
(3) Pull out subassembly.
f. Removal of First RF Amplifier S u b a s -
(6) Slide tuning capacitor subassembly
towards front of receiver. Be careful
(1) Remove switch shaft (c above).
that pair of tuning capacitor drive
gears (fig. 3-1) in gear train subas-
(2) Remove one screw and lockwasher
sembly do not bind on shaft of tun-
ing capacitor subassembly. Pair of
84-tooth spur gears and tuning capac-
(3) Pull out subassembly.
itor shaft collar may fall free.
g. Removal of Mixer Subassembly.
(7) Pull tuning capacitor subassembly out.
(1) Remove switch shaft (c above).
It may be necessary to remove four
(2) Remove one screw and lockwasher (E,
on bottom of receiver chassis to allow
(3) Pull out subassembly.
removal of subassembly.
(1) Remove switch shaft (c above).
R e m o v e power supply and servo
compartment (b above).
( 2 ) Remove one screw and lockwasher (F,
(2) Remove switch shaft (c above).
32 ) .
(3) Perform procedures in l (1), (2), and
(3) Pull out subassembly.
(3) above.