TM 11-4920-292-15
k Set AREA COMP vernier control to value
established during area magnetic survey.
i. Set E1 CHECK, E2 CHECK, ∆180, a n d
aq. Record readout ERROR.
∆270 controls to values marked on magnetic
ar. Rotate ∆270 MINUTES switch clock-
azimuth reference detector.
wise, step by step. Readout error shall change
j. Set E1 NORM-E1 REV switch to E1
in a negative direction in increments of about
11/2 minutes for each position. At +60 minutes,
k. Set E2 NORM-E2 REV switch to E2
the error shall be 30 2 minutes more negative
than error recorded in aq above.
l. Set READOUT SELECT control to 90.
as. With ∆270 MINUTES switch at 0, set
∆270 polarity switch to -∆270. Readout error
m. Set MODE SELECTOR control to MON.
shall be 30 2 minutes more positive than
n. Set E1 CHECK-E2 CHECK switch to E1
error recorded in aq above.
at. Rotate ∆270 MINUTES switch to 0.
o. Adjust E1 VOLTS control until NULL
INDICATOR indicates a null. Lock E1 VOLTS
11-19. Manual and
Electrical Monitor
Assembly Swing Test
p. Set E1 CHECK-E2 CHECK switch to E2
This test must be completed within 30
minutes to minimize errors due to
q. Adjust E2 VOLTS control until NULL IN-
shifting of earth's magnetic field.
DICATOR indicates a null. Lock E2 VOLTS
a. Set E1 NORM-E1 REV switch to OFF.
r. Set E1 CHECK-E2 CHECK switch to
b. Set E2 NORM-E2 REV switch to OFF.
c. Set HDG SELECTOR control to 0 DE-
s. Set MODE SELECTOR control to CAL.
t. Set READOUT SELECT control to F.V.
d. Rotate turntable from 0-degree through
345-degree headings in 15-degree increments.
u. Rotate turntable to 0-degree heading.
Record ERROR readout indication at each set-
v. Set HDG SELECTOR control to each
ting as manual swing error.
position from 0 through 345 DEGREES. Rec-
e. Add the manual swing errors recorded at
ord ERROR readout indication at each setting
0-, 90-, 180-, and 270-degree headings algebra-
as electrical swing error.
ically and divide the sum by 4. Record the result
w. Algebraically subtract the electrical swing
as manual swing index error.
errors of v, above, from the corrected manual
f. Subtract the manual swing index error
swing errors of f above, at each heading. The
algebraically from each manual swing error.
difference shall not exceed 10 minutes at any
Record the resulting values as corrected manual
of the 24 headings.
swing errors.
g. Set MISAL polarity switch and MIN-
Testing of the MK-1040A/ASN
UTES control to value nearest that of manual
The following items are required:
swing index error.
Common name
Technical manual
Ohmmeter ZM-21/U------------------------------TM 11-2050A-------------------------------------Ohmmeter