TM 11-4920-292-15
accuracy and repeatability test.
has been magnetically surveyed.
Monitor Assembly Telescope
Value for AREA COMP dervied
Alignment Test
from area magnetic survey is re-
a. Set up and level monitor assembly on
quired for use on following test,
2. No personnel shall be within 10 feet
b. Rotate monitor to sight any distant target.
of turntable assembly or monitor
assembly when readings are being
c. Set azimuth scale to 0 degree 0 minute.
3. Heavy power equipment must be lo-
Monitor headings are set by loosening
cated at least 80 feet from turntable
lower clamp and rotating monitor to
obtain desired setting on azimuth
11-16. Monitor Assembly Magnetic
scale. Lower clamp should then be
Alignment Test
tightened at desired heading and ver.
nier used to fine-adjust for exact
alignment of monitor scales. To set
azimuth scale, upper clamp should
Monitor assembly is not set up initial-
be loosened and scale rotated to desired
ly but will be used later in test.
heading. Then upper clamp should be
tightened and vernier used to fine-
b. Set up and level turntable assembly at
monitor location established during survey.
d. Rotate telescope 180 degrees in vertical
c. Mount magnetic azimuth reference detec-
tor on turntable assembly as shown in figure
e. Rotate monitor in horizontal plane to sight
some target.
d. Connect cable W2 between control con-
sole connector 1J3 MONITOR and 4J1 of turn-
f. Bearing indicated on the azimuth scale
table assembly,
shall be 180 degrees 1 minute.
e. Set MODE SELECTOR switch to MON.
g. Return the telescope to its original posi-
tion in the vertical plane.
f. Set READOUT SELECT control to F.V.
g. Set POWER ON-POWER OFF switch to
11-16, 11-17, 11-18, and
h. Adjust VOLTS ADJUST control until
shall be performed in an area that
EXC VOLTS meter indicates 23.5 volts.