TM 11-4920-292-15
e. Set switch S3 on field tester to E1 posi-
q. Set E1 CHECK-E2 CHECK switch to E2
CHECK, E2 CHECK indicator shall light.
tion, OFF, E2 position, and then OFF while
observing multimeter indications. Multimeter
r. Set E1 CHECK-E2 CHECK switch to
shall indicate 50 millivolts or less in each posi-
a. Set MODE SELECTOR switch to MON
Disregard momentary deflections ex-
ceeding 50 millivolts,
b. Set E1 NORM-E1 REV switch to E1
a. Set switch S3 to OFF position.
c. Set multimeter to + DC VOLTS and con-
b. Adjust VOLTS ADJUST control for indi-
nect to 5J3 and 5J4 (low) of field tester.
cation of 22.5 volts on EXC VOLTS meter;
d. Set S2 switch of field tester to El position,
then adjust VOLTS ADJUST control for 24.5
e. Rotate E1 VOLTS (6-90) control slowly
volts on EXC VOLTS meter. Multimeter shall
through each position while observing multi-
indicate 50 millivolts or less at each position
meter indications. Multimeter shall indicate
of VOLTS ADJUST control.
same as E1 VOLTS setting 5 percent at each
position of E1 VOLTS control.
Disregard momentary deflections ex-
f. Set E1 VOLTS (5-90) to 6. Rotate E1
ceeding 50 millivolts.
VOLTS (1-10) slowly through each position
while observing multimeter indications. Multi-
meter shall indicate sum of E1 VOLTS (5-90
11-12. Readout Command Accuracy Test
and 1-10) settings 5 percent at each position.
a. Adjust VOLTS ADJUST control for 23.5
g. Set E1 VOLTS (0-10) to 0. Set El vernier
volts on EXC VOLTS meter.
b. Set READOUT SELECT switch to posi-
tion 0. HEADING and ERROR readout shall
h. Set E1 vernier to 1000. Multimeter shall
indicate 0 DEGREES 15 MINUTES.
indicate 7.00 0.35 volts.
c. Set READOUT SELECT switch to posi-
i. Set E1 vernier to 0.
tion 90. HEADING and ERROR readout shall
indicate 90 DEGREES 15 MINUTES.
a. Set E1 NORM-El REV to OFF.
11-13. 800-Cycle Index Error Test
a. Set field tester switch S1 to position 1.
b. Set S2 switch on field tester to E2.
b. Set READOUT SELECT switch to F.V.
for all references to E1.
c. Set El NORM-El REV switch to El REV.
d. Set E2 NORM-E2 REV switch to OFF.
e. Set E1 VOLTS controls to 90-10-0.
a. Set switch S2 on field tester to E1/E2
f. Set F.V. SELECT switch to position 2.
b. Set E1 NORM-E1 REV to E1 NORM,
g. Adjust VOLTS ADJUST control for 23.5
c. Set E1 VOLTS and E2 VOLTS controls to
volts on EXC VOLTS meter.
h. Set field tester switch S1 successively to
d. Adjust E2 vernier until multimeter indi-
positions 1, 2, and 3, and record ERROR read-
cates 0 volt.
out indication at each position. HEADING