q. Level telescope using leveling adjustment screws
i. Drop a plumb line from aircraft centerline at
until liquid level is centered and target is aligned
nose and at tail. Measure distance between two plumb
with horizontal crosshair. Center target vertically
lines along aircraft centerline. This is Plumb Bob
in telescope. Tighten mounting screws holding down
Separation. Record this value on line E-1 of swing
transmitter Recheck alignment and if alignment is
correct, remove optics. alignment equipment from
transmitter Attach magnetic compensator to the
j. Measure lateral displacement of each plumb
transmitter and connect the leads to the transmitter
line from north-south line. If this displacement is
access panel terminal strip.
west of north-south line, it shall be considered to
have a negative value and if to east, it shall be con-
sidered positive. Enter these values on lines E-2
and E-3 of swing data sheet as designated.
cedures are given for swinging compass in A-6A
aircraft. For other types of aircraft, operator should
k. Algebraically subtract lateral displacement at
tail from lateral displacement at nose. Result is
shows A-6A Accessory Kit.
Plumb Bob Total Displacement in inches. Enter
this value on line E-4 of swing data sheet. Aircraft
a. Connect end W1J1 of adapter cable W1 to cable
P8 of aircraft wiring connected to KE28 compen -
Misalignment angle assumes polarity of Plumb Bob
Total Displacement.
sator of MA-1 Compass, System.
b. Position Console in or near aircraft so that
l. Mark a vertical straight line on Nomograph
readout can be seen from compensator location.
Leave Monitor at Monitor location. Interconnect
(feet) and mark a horizontal straight line along
Console, Monitor, and Power Cart. Refer to para-
PLUMB BOB DISPLACEMENT scale (inches) at
values recorded in section E. At point that these
system through adapter table and appropriate special
two lines intersect, read misalignment angle in
purpose cable. Connect cable W2 from 1J2 (TRANS)
of Console to other end of adapter cable W1J1. Start
Power Cart.
c. Check that controls and switches of Console are
m. Compute total Optical Alignment Correction E-6,
set as follows:
which is sum of Aircraft Misalignment E-5, Cor-
rected Monitor Index A-4, and Monitor Zero Error
El NORM. -REV. to E1 FORM.
Index Error B-1. Record result on line E-6 of swing
E2 NORM. -REV. to E2 FORM.
data sheet.
n. Loosen fine adjustment screw clamp of Align-
FV SELECT as required. (For A-6A, Set to 1.)
ment Equipment telescope and rotate telescope fine
adjustment by an amount equal to optical alignment
correction E -6. Clockwise rotation of drum dial cor-
responds to increasing heading. One turn of dial is
d. Check that EX. VOLTS meter indicates 23.5 and
equivalent to 1 degree of correction. Each dial division
FREQUENCY meter indicates 4005 cps. Vary VOLTS
is equal to 1 minute. If E-6 is positive, rotate fine
ADJUST control if necessary.
azimuth adjustment clockwise for top -mounted trans-
mitters and counterclockwise for bottom-mounted
e. Observe and record Monitor Zero Error on line
F-1 of swing data sheet.
o. Place transmitter in aircraft mounting bracket
f. Enter MISAL control setting on line F-2. This
and partially fasten three mounting screws.
setting is determined by adding Aircraft Misalign-
ment E-5, Monitor Index A-4, and Monitor Reading
F-1, and subtracting Monitor Zero Reading A-5. Set
MISAL MINUTES switch of Console to calculated
For transmitters mounted under wing, make
electrical connections and mount compass
system magnetic compensator before in-
g. Enter E1-E2 CHECK values C-3 and C-4 on
stalling in aircraft.
lines F-5 and F-6 of swing data sheet. Set E1-E2
CHECK controls to these values. Enter
correction values D-3 and D-4 on lines F-3
rotating transmitter until target is aligned with ver -
and F-4 of swing data sheet. Set
tical crosshair in telescope.
switches to these values.