TM 11-4920-292-15
1-2. Reporting of
Equipment Manual
a. This manual describes Magnetic Compass
Calibrator Set AN/ASM339 (V) 1 and Mag-
Reporting of errors, omissions, and recommen-
netic Compass Calibrator Set Adapter Kit
dations for improving this publication by the
MK1040A/ASN and covers their operation and
individual user is encouraged, Reports should
be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
Changes to Publications) and forwarded direct
b. The basic issue items list appears in ap-
to Commanding Officer, U.S. Army Electronics
pendix A, the maintenance allocation chart ap-
Fort Monmouth, N.J. 07703.
1-A.2 Indexes of
Compass calibrator provides a controlled simu-
a. DA Pam 310-4. Refer to the latest issue
lated magnetic field about the aircraft trans-
of DA Pam 310-4 to determine whether there
mitter to calibrate accurately the magnetic
are new editions, changes, or additional publi-
compass system of the aircraft.
cations pertaining to the equipment.
b. DA Pam 310-7. Refer to DA Pam 3107 to
1-4. Capabilities
determine whether there are modification work
Compass calibrator has capability of determin-
orders (MWO's) pertaining to the equipment.
ing compass systems errors without rotation of
aircraft to various headings as on a compass
rose. Compass calibrator also has capability of
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfac-
surveying an area for magnetic uniformity and
tory Equipment. Use equipment forms and rec-
providing necessary data for layout and mak-
ords in accordance with instructions given in
ing of a compass swing site. Compass calibrator
TM 38-750.
will provide electrical heading inputs from 0 to
b. Report of Packaging and Handling Defi-
345 degrees in 15-degree increments with an
ciencies. Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Re-
accuracy of 0.1 degree.
port of Packaging and Handling Deficiencies)
as prescribed in AR 70058 (Army), NAVSUP
Publication 378 (Navy), AFR 714 (Air
Compass swing requires that an aircraft be
Force), and MCO P4610-5 (Marine Corps).
towed into position along the north-south line
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DIS-
REP) (SF 361 ). Fill out and forward Dis-
removed from aircraft.
crepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP)
(SF 361) as prescribed in AR 55-38 (Army),
NAVSUP Publication 459 (Navy), AFM 75-
34 (Air Force), and MCO P4610.19 (Marine
calibrator; table 1-2 lists general characteris-