TB 55-1905-202-34/1
the two conductor ends, and run each wire through one of
Install one size 2
stuffing tube (23, fig. 12) and
the two fuseholder body clearance holes in the console
packing (25) over the free end of cable (49), and pull
with the "positive" conductor placed in the starboard hole.
cable through the console installed pipe coupling. Install
Route the fuseholder to junction box cable (14, fig. 17) to
a stuffing tube body (23) over the free end of the cable
the two fuse holder mounting holes with the "positive"
(now inside console, and thread and seat into the pipe
lead routed through the starboard hole. Cut four 2-inch
pieces of heat shrink sleeving (46, fig. 9) and install one
to remove excess slack, and clamp in place by
over each conductor emerging from the fuseholder body.
completing installation of the packing assembly.
mounting holes.
Connect the two fuseholders by
soldering the power wire conductor to the tip lug of the
stuffing tubes; do not install caps at this time. Feed end
of cable (14, fig. 11) through stuffing tube cap (22) and
junction box to fuseholder conductor to the side lug of the
packing (25) and into bottom right hole in terminal box.
fuseholder. This completes wiring of the fuseholders and
Feed indicator cable (15) through large stuffing tube cap
there should be one conductor on each lug of the
and packing (25) and into top hole in terminal box. Feed
fuseholders. See wiring diagram, figure 17. Slide shrink
end of junction box to fuse holder cable (14) (lugs marked
sleeving into position covering each exposed terminal.
1 and 3) through stuffing tube cap, and packing (25) and
Apply heat with hot air blower to shrink sleeving until it
into the bottom left hole in terminal box. Connect and
shrinks to a snug fit around and protecting the four
secure wires to terminal box as shown in wiring diagram
fuseholder terminals.
(fig. 17). (Lug P on
indicator cable is to be
connected to
the boat chassis by installing lug under one terminal block
mounting screw inside the box).
Secure cables to
Overshrinking will result in splitting.
terminal box by allowing sufficient slack inside terminal
box and securing packings in stuffing tubes with stuffing
f: Set fuseholders into mounting holes and fasten
tube cap. Route indicator cable (15) to indicator cutout in
into place using mounting hardware (39, 42, 55, fig. 9).
control console and secure to existing wiring, as required,
Install the two 5-amp fuses (45) into fuseholders.
with tiedown straps (26, fig. 10). Allow enough slack in
indicator connector end of cable so indicator connector
can be mated to from top of control console.
Make sure side lug on fuseholders
is completely insulated from the
boat hull.
Temporarily secure indicator in
place using two mounting screws
to prevent any physical damage
g. Power up steps. Set circuit breakers controlling
during the following power up/
power to the Compass and well light switch to the ON
adjustment steps.
position; set-switch to the compass position and calibrate
been completed, place above switches on the OFF
e. Preparation and wiring of fuseholders. :Insure
that both circuit breakers controlling power to the
compass and well light switch are set to the OFF or
Secure indicator (60, fig. 14) and indicator gasket
OPEN position. Route the power wire (2-conductor cable)
(12) in control console with appropriate mounting
that ran from the control and distribution panel and had
hardware. Assemble indicator protective cover (13) in
previously been terminated in the Magnesyn compass
place with appropriate mounting hardware. Secure all
inverter box (located overhead in the engine room) to the
new-cable in the console area in place to the existing:
vicinity of the newly prepared fuseholder locations. See
cabling using tiedown straps (26, fig. 10) as required.
figure 9. Select the final internal (console) routing of
i. RMHS installation is now complete. Refer to TB
wire and after allowing for an adequate work/service
746-93-4 for painting touchups.
loop, trim away the extra wire length, separate and strip
16. General
Refer to H.O. Publication No. 226, Handbook of
a. Aline landing craft to 000 degree heading.
Magnetic Compass Adjustment, for additional information
Algebraically add heading of landing craft and reading of
not contained herein.
heading indicator. Record sum.
b. Repeat step a for 090 degree, 180 degree, and
270 degree headings.
RMHS is a magnetic compass, and
c. Algebraically add sums from steps a and b and
all readings are relative to the
divide total by four. Record the quotient (index error).
magnetic north pole.