ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
MARINE CORP5 TM 08837A-34/2
method whereby PADS lays out an azimuth
(orienting) line by taking departure from one
point, driving the utility truck to a second point,
drives torquer to remove angular orientation
marking the second point, and automatically
computing the azimuth from first to second
difference between stable element and vehicle.
TORQUERS Motors that process the gyro axes
to maintain the stable element in a locally level
north-point attitude.
SPHEROID An earth spheroid model used for
computing geodetic positions. There are seven
spheroid systems which PADS can accommo-
date. These are:
UPDATE As applied to PADS, a correction of
(1) Clarke 1866
PADS position or azimuth data. The correction
(2) Clarke 1880
is a transfer of position and azimuth data from
(3) International
that which has been accurately determined by a
higher order survey, such as celestial,
(4) Bessel
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator the
(5) Everest
name of a grid system where meridians (longi-
(6) Malayan
tude lines) and parallels (latitude lines) of the
earth are represented on a plane in the same
(7) Australian Net
manner as a rectangular coordinate system.
STABLE ELEMENT - Part of inertial measure-
ment unit that contains gyros and accelerome-
SYNCHRO - A device that senses any differences
in angular orientation between the stable ele-
by which PADS navigating errors are minimized.
ment and the vehicle,
With the vehicle stopped, the PADS computer
checks to see if the system calculates a stop, or is
indicating movement. If movement is being indi-
cated, the computer performs a biasing proce-
dure to cause the system to indicate a stop. The
TARGET SET - A target, usually mounted on a
biasing computation is then used to correct navi-
tripod, marking the distant end of an orienting
gation data computed since the previous correc-
line; usually capable of being lighted so that the
tion or update.
orienting line may be viewed at night.
ZONE NUMBER The number assigned to UTM
to identify each of the 60 UTM zones (each 6 of
longitude). Zones are numbered consecutively
eastward from the 180th meridian.
A/D Analog-to-digital
D/S Digital-to-synchm
CDU Control and display unit
EIR Equipment improvement recommendations
COMP Computer
ENT Enter
CPU Central processing unit
HMMWV - High-mobility multipurpose wheeled
CUCV Commercial utility cargo vehicle
CUV Commercial utility cargo vehicle
HUM High-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
D/DC Digital-to-dc
ID Identification
DMA Direct memory access
Change 5