ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
then releasing it, If the leg is properly ad-
justed, it should fall to about 45 degrees and
tribrach is the same that is used with the theodolite and
stop. If it does not, the tripod leg should be
is provided with leveling screws and an optical plumb.
adjusted by tightening or loosening the tripod
The target is black on white to provide a sharp aiming
clamping nut. The test should be repeated
point. It rotates on its base and has a level vial for use
until successful.
in leveling, The target may be backlighted with the
Spread the legs and place the tripod over the
station to be occupied, with one leg approxi-
lite battery box.
mately bisecting the angle(s) to be measured.
The head of the tripod should be set up at a
height which will place the telescope at a
5-4. Setting Up the
Theodolite and Target Set. The
convenient height for the operator.
theodolite and target set are mounted on tripods and
plumbed and leveled over the primary and azimuth
Insert the plug-in sleeve of the plumb bob into
survey markers, respectively.
the instrument-fixture screw and extend the
plumb bob so that it will hang about an inch
a. Setting Up the Tripod. The procedure for setting
above the station. Center the tripod approxi-
up the tripod is as follows:
mately over the station.
(1) Upend the tripod and place the tripod head on
Firmly embed the tripod legs, making sure
the toe of the shoe. Unbuckle the restraining
that the plumb bob is within one-half inch
strap and secure the strap around the leg to
which it is attached.
(laterally) of being centered over the station
and that the tripod head is approximately level
(2) Loosen the leg clamp wing screws and extend
when the legs are embedded.
the tripod legs to the desired length. Tighten
Remove the tripod head cover and secure it to
the leg clamp wing screws.
the tripod leg.
(3) Turn the tripod to its upright position and test
the adjustment of each tripod leg by elevating
b. Removing the Theodolite from its Case. To re-
each leg, in turn, to a horizontal position and
move the theodolite from its case: