ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
of the instrument. The vertical circle level is com-
circle. This mirror is identical with the mirror on the
pletely built-in and is located adjacent to the vertical
(i) Horizontal clamping screw. The horizontal
clamping screw is located on the right front portion of
mation level tangent screw is located below the vertical
circle and on the same standard. This control is used for
housing. This control is used to lock the alidade in any
precise leveling of the vertical circle level (split bubble)
desired position on its vertical axis.
by bringing the images of the ends to the bubble into
coincidence. A collimation level mirror on the side of
(j) Horizontal tangent screw. The horizontal
the standard is provided for viewing the position of the
tangent screw is located on the right rear portion of the
instrument immediately above the horizontal circle
collimation level reflector is rotated outward to provide
housing. This control enables precision adjustment in
illumination of the vertical circle level.
the horizontal positioning of the telescope.
(d) Telescope. The 28-power telescope of the
(k) Vertical clamping screw. The vertical
theodolite can be rotated vertically about the horizontal
clamping screw is located adjacent to the vertical circle.
axis of the theodolite. Objects appear inverted when
This control permits the telescope to be rotated verti-
viewed through the telescope. The reticle of the tele-
cally about its axis or to be locked in a fixed vertical
scope is etched on glass and consists of horizontal and
vertical crosslines and stadia lines. The reticle crosslines
are focused by rotating the eyepiece; the image, by
(l) Vertical tangent screw. The vertical tangent
rotating the knurled focusing ring. Three adjusting
screw is immediately below the vertical clamping
screws are provided for correcting the horizontal colli-
screw. This control permits precision adjustment in the
mation error. A reticle illuminating mirror control knob
vertical position of the telescope.
located on top of the telescope controls a small mirror
inside the telescope for illuminating the reticle when
(4) Carrying case. The carrying case for the the-
electric illumination is used.
odolite consists of a base plate and steel dome-shaped
(e) Circle selector knob. The circle selector
hood. When the theodolite is placed on the base plate,
knob is located immediately above the trademark in-
it rests on three supports and is secured to the support
scription "Wild'. The knob is inscribed with a heavy
by three clamps. A padded wooden box is also furnished
black line which indicates whether the image of the
for transporting the theodolite in its carrying case.
horizontal or the vertical circle is visible in the circle-
reading microscope. When the line is horizontal, the
(5) Electric illumination device. The theodolite
horizontal circle may be viewed; when the line is
contains a built-in wiring system for illuminating the
vertical, the vertical circle may be viewed.
circles, the micrometer scale, and the telescope reticle.
Two bulb holders are in the base of the carrying case or
(f) Microscope. Attached to the telescope is a
in the accessory case. Each of the circle-illuminating
microscope for viewing the horizontal and vertical
mirrors can be replaced by pulling a mirror off the
circles. The circle to be viewed is selected by turning
instrument and inserting a bulb holder in its place. A
the circle selector knob to either the horizontal or the
battery case is attached to one of the tripod legs, and
vertical position, The field of view of the microscope
appears to contain two small windows. The upper
located in the tribrach. A second wire from the battery
window contains images of two diametrically opposite
case leads to a hand lamp that is used for general
portions of the horizontal or vertical circle. One of the
illumination around the instrument. A rheostat is pro-
images of the circle is inverted and appears above the
vided on the battery case for adjusting the intensity of
other image, The lower window contains the image of a
light, Telescope reticle illumination is adjusted by tur-
portion of the micrometer scale. The image of the scale
ning the reticle illumination knob on top of the telescope
is brought into focus by rotating the knurled micros-
to rotate a small mirror located at the horizontal axis in
cope eyepiece.
the telescope.
(g) Coincidence knob. The coincidence knob on
the side of the right standard is used to obtain readings
(6) Tripod. The universal tripod is issued with the
for either the horizontal or vertical circle in conjunc-
theodolite. This tripod has extension legs and accessory
tion with the micrometer scale. It operates the microm-
case. The overall length of the closed tripod is 3 feet;
eter scale to bring the vertical or horizontal circle
the etended length is 5.2 feet. The accessory case is
graduations into coincidence.
made of leather and is mounted on the tripod. The case
contains a plumb bob with a plug-in sleeve and a
mirror for illuminating the vertical circle is located on
wrench for the tripod legs. The head of the tripod is
the side of the standard at the center of the vertical
covered with a screw-on protector cap.