ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
(W6) which require Grade A sealing com-
Flare shield and terminate against RFI ring.
Slide environmental ring, grommet, and
(c) Screw and tighten retaining ring to connec-
grommet ring into end of backshell.
Screw cable clamp ring onto rear of back-
(d) Turn backshell to the proper orientation
shell. Tighten enough to compress grom-
and secure to retaining ring with set screws.
(f) Tighten screws to tighten cable clamp
around cable.
Shields originally terminated differently
(3) Right angle backshell disassembly. See figure
than shown may be reterminated as they
4-24 and disassemble backshell as follows:
were originally or as shown.
Slide cable marker away from connector to
There may be ground wires from the con-
nector which must be terminated with the
allow clearance for disassembly.
Loosen two screws securing cable clamps to
Some shields may be terminated with a
cable. Remove any tape, etc., which may
wire and terminal lug which is connected
prevent ring from sliding.
to a cable clamp screw.
Unscrew cable clamp ring from backshell.
(e) Flare shield and terminate against rear of
Slide cable clamp ring, friction washer,
backshell with RFI ferrule.
grommet ferrule, grommet, and RFI ferrule
away from connector.
(f) Slide grommet, grommet ferrule, friction
washer, and cable clamp ring against RFI
Carefully manipulate the shield so backshell
ferrule. Screw cable clamp ring onto
can slide over it.
Remove wire securing backshell to retaining
(g) Tighten screws securing cable clamps to
Unscrew retaining ring from connector, tak-
(h) Secure backshell to retaining ring with
ing care to not twist wires. Slide backshell
safety wire.
away from connector. The connector rear is
now- exposed for pin replacement.
c. Pin Removal/Insertion.
(4) Right angle backshell assembly. See figure
(1) Tools and contact pins. Refer to table 4-24 for
4-24 and assemble backshell as follows:
correct size insertion and removal tools. The contact
pins and two types of insertion and removal tools are
Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and gives
Use of wrong size insertion or removal
off harmful vapors. Use only in well-ven-
tool may damage the connector beyond
tilated area away from open flames and
sparks. Avoid prolonged or repeated inha-
(2) Removal.
lation of vapors.
(a) Clean threads of connector and retaining
ring with isopropyl alcohol.
Bent pins must be straightened before
(a) Clip removal tool around wire connected to
Application of excess thread sealant may
(b) Slide tool down wire until it enters the
prevent future disassembly of the connec-
connector grommet.
(c) Carefully work the tool over the contact
(b) Apply one drop, only, of sealing compond
barrel until it hits the contact shoulder.
(MIL-S-22473. Grade C) to threads of all
(d) Simultaneously pull the tool and wire out
connectors except for the threads of connec-
the rear of the connector.
tors on cables 880515-1 (W7) and 880531-1