ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
To loosen or tighten backshell compo-
Different shield terminations are used
nents. mate the connector to a chassis-
with different backshells. Do not damage
mounted connector. Use of the strap
(e) Carefully manipulate the shield and slide
the RFI ring away from connector.
b. Backshell Disassembly/Assembly. Several styles
of backshells are used with PADS cables and are illus-
(f) Unscrew backshell from adapter ring and
slide away from connector.
minor details such as use of shields, etc. Adapt the
procedure as appropriate for the particular connection.
and assemble backshell as follows:
(a) Screw backshell onto connector.
and disassemble backshell as follows:
(b) Slide RFI ring into backshell.
(a) Slide cable marker away from connector to
allow clearance for disassembly.
Shields originally terminated differently
Loosen two screws securing cable clamps to
than shown may be regerminated as they
cable. Remove any tape, etc., which may
were originally or as shown.
prevent ring from sliding.
There may be ground wires from the con-
nector which must be terminated with the
Unscrew cable clamp ring from backshell.
Slide cable clamp ring away from connec-
Different shield terminations are shown
for the different RFI sleeves and rings.
Carefully pull O-ring, grommet, and envi-
The shield should be spot tied around the
ronmental ring out of backshell and slide
RFI sleeve or cable as appropriate.
away from connector.