ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
Table 4-18.1. Operational Program Loading Using Tape Reader, Part No. 877406-2 -- Continued
Test procedure
Normal indication
indication/corrective action
ae. Press MEMORY LOAD switch- MEMORY LOAD switch-indicator
indicator to off
goes off
af. Deleted
ag. Press REVERSE switch-indica- REVERSE switch-indicator lights
tor to on
Tape rewinds and stops at beginning
ah. Press REVERSE switch-indica- REVERSE switch-indicator goes off
tor to off
ai. Deleted
VERIFY ERROR switch-indicator
aj. Press VERIFY switch-indicator VERIFY switch-indicator lights
to on
lights and tape stops: Refer to step
Tape reader reads tape and stops at
ak. Press VERIFY switch-indicator
to off
al. Deleted
am. Press REVERSE switch-indica- REVERSE switch-indicator lights
tor to on
Tape rewinds and stops near begin-
an. Press REVERSE switch-indica- REVERSE switch-indicator goes off
tor to off
ao. Lift tape reader read head cover
and remove IMU alignment tape
from tape reader and store in
IMU compartment
ap. Press EXECUTE switch-indica-
tor to on
aq. Wait 15 seconds and press EXE-
CUTE switch-indicator to off
ar. Sequentially press ON/OFF System turns off
switch-indicator and ENTER
as. Set PS BATTERY and VEHI-
CLE circuit breakers CB1 and
CB2 to OFF
at. Press SPU ON switch-indicator SPU ON switch-indicator goes off
to off
au. Disconnect W204 from com-
puter and connect CDU cable
W1 to computer
Change 6