ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
Table 4-6. Computer Diagnostic/Alignment Program -- Continued
indication/corrective action
Normal indication
Test procedure
Checksum is incorrect: Inspect tape
Checksums are equal
3k. Compare printed checksum to
reader photocell assembly and
checksum written on the front
tape for dirt. Clean as required
of the PADS diagnostic-align-
ment tape number 877418-5
Reload complete diagnostic program
If new checksum is correct, continue
with test. If new checksum is
same as the old (wrong) check-
sum: Perform PADS test set self-
test and take indicated corrective
Replace computer card assemblies in
the order shown in step 2h and
reload tape after each card is re-
If new checksum differs from the old
(wrong) checksum: Adjust tape
reader and reload tape. Thor-
oughly clean or replace tape
You may continue performing the
test while the tape is rewinding.
If a computer test is not required:
press EXECUTE switch-indicator to
off; sequentially press PADS ON/
OFF switch-indicator and ENTER
switch to turn off computer; and go
CDU or IMU test, respectively.
REVERSE switch-indicator lights.
3l. Press REVERSE switch-indicator
Tape rewinds and stops at begin-
to on
ning of reel
REVERSE switch-indicator goes off
3m. Press REVERSE switch-indica-
tor to off
3n. Set tape reader SPOOLING
switch to DISABLE
3o. Remove tape from tape reader
Change 1