ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
(b) Place the battery retainer over the top of the
(i) Force the frame forward and into the vehicle.
batteries and secure in place with the four
This provides hole-bolt registration. Tighten all
battery retainer J-hooks, washers, and nuts.
Before performing step (c), below, verify that
vent tubing hole has been drilled in vehicle
Obtain cable W102 and cable ties from the
inner body by direct support maintenance
installation kit.
personnel in accordance with TM 5-6675-
308-34 or Marine Corps TM 08837A-34/2.
(b) Route the harness loosely with cable connector
J103 adjacent to PADS battery area and
(c) Install tubing and fittings to vent the two
connector P104 adjacent to the vehicle battery
area. Install the cable in the rear area of the
vehicle and secure loosely with the cable ties.
(d) Obtain W6 and W11 cables from the instllation
(c) Connect cable connector P104 to connector
(e) Inspect all battery terminal adapters and cable
J104. Check harness routing to be sure it is not
a s s e m b l i e s W6 and W11.
pulled tight in any area.
maintenance, if required, in accordance with
TM 9-6140-200-14.
(d) Connect connector P103 to cable connector
J103 and reposition cable so there is equal slack
(f) Clean all pieces with a solution of baking soda
at both ends.
and water and bristle brush, or use a wire brush
obtained from shop supplies/tools.
Tighten all cable ties.
(g) Burnish all contact surfaces with a battery
burnishing tool or wire brush from shop tools.
(6) Installation of Kit Batteries. Obtain two
(h) Connect battery terminal adapters and covers to
functional batteries, including vent hose and
both lugs of cable assembly W6 and cable
fittings. Obtain battery retainer frame assembly
assembly Wl1.
and four hooks from installation kit. Install as
(i) Connect battery terminal adapter of positive
branch of cable assembly W6 to positive post of
tightening nut on battery terminal adapter.
To prevent injury to personnel while working
(j) Connect battery terminal adapter of cable
on batteries, all rings, watches, bracelets, etc.,
assembly W6 negative branch to negative post
must be removed.
by tightening nut on battery terminal adapter.
To prevent injury to personnel or damage to
equipment, when disconnecting a battery,
(k) Connect positive battery terminal adapter of
remove negative cable from battery post first;
cable assembly W11 to positive post of other
when connecting a battery, connect negative
tightening nut on battery terminal adapter.
cable last.
(1) Connect negative battery terminal adapter of
Batteries are acid-filled batteries which may
cable assembly W11 to negative post of first
ignition sources away. Do not allow battery
tightening nut on battery terminal adapter.
liquid to touch skin or clothing. If battery
liquid touches skin, flush area immediately
with water; if it touches the eyes, flush
measure voltage of W6-P1 with the plus (+)
immediately with water for 30 minutes and
input of the multimeter on P1-A, B or C.
see a physician without delay.
Measure 12 volts direct current (VDC) to the
outboard terminals. Then with the plus(+) input
(a) Install the two batteries in rear, lower portion of
current to P1-F, G, or H. If these battery volt-
frame. Place aft battery with positive terminal
ages canot be achieved, check the hookup
inboard and the forward battery with negative
(configuration) or replace batteries.
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