ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
(7) Installation of System Cables. Obtain the
(c) Check cable W7 for 24 VDC from W7P1-A(+)
to W7P1 -K(-) and W7P1 -A(+) to engine block
following items from installation kit: cable W100,
power cable connector assembly, and connector
adapter. Obtain cable W7 from the PADS. Using
an adjustable wrench and flat-tip or cross-tip
(d) Start vehicle engine. Measure 24 VDC from
screwdriver, install the two lugs of cable W100
J103-1(+) to the engine block(-). Shutdown the
and the two lugs of cable assembly W7 to the
(e) Connect J100 to P100, J101 to P101, J102 to
P102, J103 to P103, and J105 to P105.
(a) Remove back of connector, Remove the exist-
ing terminal bolts.
(f) Cool thermostat on the PADS battery heater
to 40 F.
(b) Install red-banded lug (wire marked positive)
of cable W7 and positive wire of cable W100
(g) Start SUSV engine. L100 should light (adjust
to the positive terminal of the connector
for individual intensity).
(center post).
(h) Heat thermostat to above 60F.
(c) Install black-banded lug (wire marked negative)
of cable W7 and negative wire of cable W100 to
(i) At approximately 60F, light L100 should
the negative terminal of the connector.
go out.
(d) Tighten hardware to secure lugs, replace back of
connector, and tighten all bolts and screws.
(9) Clean Up.
(e) The connector shall be identified as J16.
(a) Reinstall the left rear seat/battery cover and
Using approximately eight cable ties, evenly
(b) Remove cable assembly and connector adapter
spaced, tie the W7 and W 100 cables together the
from auxiliary starting connector P16 and put
cap in place.
(g) Install the connector adapter in the auxiliary
(c) Retrieve top engine access cover from rear car,
starting connector P16, beneath the driver's
reinstall, and secure in place.
(d) Place protective cap on W6 cable connector 3J4.
(8) Power Check. To check the power output of the
as follows:
Cheek all bolts and screws to ensure they are
(a) Reconnect SUSV batteries, as follows:
1 Connect negative cable from heater plate to
(10) PADS Preparation. Obtain the PADS and the
negative terminal (rear end) of batteries. See
right bracket and left bracket, four 3/8-24 UNF-2A
x 1.75 long bolts, and nuts from the installation kit.
Then proceed as follows:
2 Connect connector P42 to positive terminal
(forward end of batteries).
(a) On the PADS, disconnect three interconnecting
cables W3, W4, and W5 at the power supply.
3 Connect cable to negative terminal.
(b) Remove the power supply from the PADS by
(b) Plug connector J16 into connector P16 adapter
loosening the four Allen head screws (using
appropriate Allen wrench) holding the power
supply in the rack. Refer to TM 5-6675-308-34
J100-1(+) to J100-2(-), and from J100-1 (+) to
if additional instructions are required.
engine block (-).
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