ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
h. Control and Display Unit (CDU) Installation. In-
five holes in the vehicle cargo bed, two forward
stall the CDU as follows:
and three to the rear.
(1) Unsnap CDU from its bracket on top of the PADS
(b) Install five l/2-13UNC-2A by 3-1/2-inch long
the adapter frame slots into the vehicle cargo
(2) Secure CDU to CDU bracket on vehicle dash-
bed. Reinstall the tiedown rings on the rear
bolts. Tighten finger-tight only. (See figure
board using the two clamping catches (See figure
i. Spa re Tire Reinstallation. Reinstall the spare tire if
(c) Install the control and display unit (CDU) brack-
et on the bracket support as shown in figure
2-27. Secure in position with quick-release pin.
j. Preliminary Adjust ment of Equipment. Perform
the preliminary checks and services described in para-
(d) Using the 9/16-inch wrench. tighten the four
bracket support mounting bolts.
2-13. Installing PADS in
M998 Series High-Mobility
(c) Using the 3/4-inch wrench. tighten the five
Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV)
l/2-inch screws securing the adapter frame to
the vehicle cargo bed.
a. Prepa ration of Vehicle for Installation. Prepare
vehiclc for installation as follows:
(4) Subfloor Plate Preparation. Prepare the subfloor
(1) The cargo bulkhead is installed with four bolts.
adapter frame as follows:
Remove as follows:
If the subfloor plate dots not have four holes
two bolts from the vehicle bed.
along the rear edge (two inner holes with cap-
(b) Using the l/2-inch open-end wrench, remove
tive nuts), the missing outer holes must be
two bolts from the vehicle side pillars.
drilled by direct support maintenance person-
nel in accordance with TM 5-6676-308-34 or
(c) After removing the bulkhead, reinstall the two
Marine Corps TM 08837A-34/2.
bolts in the vehicle side pillars. Retain the vehi-
cle bed bolts for reinstallation.
(a) Using a hacksaw, cut labs from the right
and left front comers of the subfloor plate as
(d) Store the cargo bulkhead.
truding bolts heads of the installed adapter
(e) If the vehicle has been equipped with two l/2-
inch thick wooden noise abatement plates
located between the two front seats and the
(b) Unscrew T-handle bolts from PADS primary
two rear seats, remove and store wilh the
associated hardware. Remove the fire extin-
guisher and bracket from the forward plate and
reinstall on the deck between two front seals,
(c) The alignment pin bracket may be installed at
where it had previously been mounted.
either the front or rear subfloor plate mounting
(2) Cargo Tiedowns Removal. Remove the cargo
holes, at the installer's option. Ensure that the
tiedown rings as follows:
alignment pins are facing to the rear if the for-
ward holes arc used; and facing to the front if the
(a) Using the 3/4-inch combination wrench, re-
rear holes arc used. Secure the alignment pin
move the three tiedown rings and bolts near the
bracket with the two T-handle bolts.
center of the cargo bed. Retain two tiedown
rings for reins reinstallation.
(5) Subfloor Plate Installation. Install the subfloor
plate on the mounting frame as follows:
(b) Store the three bolts and one tiedown ring
with the cargo bulkhead.
(a) Place the subfloor plate on the mounting frame
(3) Adapter Frame Installation. Install the adapter
with screw slots facing to the front of the vehicle
frame as follows:
Change 2