ARMY TM 5-6675-308-12
d. PADS Installation. lnstall PADS as follows:
Install alignment pin bracket (part of the PADS)
To prevent damage to equipment, ensure
polarity of cable lugs match polarily of bat-
Secure alignment pin bracket with two T-handles.
tery posts. The positive wire is color-coded
red and thc negativc wire is color-coded
Place battery box (with batteries installed) on
that locating bracket is in correct position.
Secure battery box in position with belt assembly
Steps (3) through (6), below, apply only to the
CUCV where the terminal boxes are located
on the curbside wall under the radio mount
(3) Remove protective covers from the positive (+)
and negative (-) terminal boxes.
The weight of the primary pallet exceeds the
(4) Connect the (+) end lug of cable W7 (item 1,
two-person lift criteria. Usc three persons to
lift it.
(-) end lug of cable W7 to the first terminal from
Lift primary pallet onto cargo bed and position on
the rear on the nagative strip.
mounting basc with plumb bob arm facing to the
rear of the vehicle.
(5) Replace protective covers on terminal boxes.
Slide primary pallet forward until parts of align-
(6) Reinstall the negative (-) cable on the battery.
ment pin bracket are fully mated in alignment pin
Reinstall the battery cover and close the vehicle
reccptacles in bottom rail of primary pallet frame.
Securc rear bottom rail of the primary pallet frame
Steps (7) through (12), below, apply only to
to mounting base with two clamping brackets and
the CUCV where the terminal boxes are
T-handtcs (part of the PADS).
located in the compartment. Before
proceeding with power cable W7 installation,
ensure that the vehicle has been PADS modi-
e. Power Cable W7 Installation. Referring to figures
fied by the presence of three cable access
2-22 through 2-24, as
required, install power cable
W7 as follows:
If the access holes arc not present, this modifi-
cation must be performed by direct support
maintenance personnel in accordance with
TM 5-6675-308-34 or Marine Corps
To prevent injury to personnel or damage to
equipment, all rings, watches, and bracelets
Pass the (+) and (-) ends of power cable W7, and
must be removed. Disconnect ground cable
radio cable, through the prc-drilled holes in the
first before working with, or around batteries.
protect the ground cable from accidental con-
rubber grommets(part of PADS installation kit) in
tact with other battery cables or posts. When
holes after cables have been passed through.
finished with work, connect ground cable last.
(1) Open vehicle hood and remove battery cover.
from from the battery box.
Move to passenger compartment and connect W8
(2) Remove ground cable clamp from negative post of
cable connector, W8P2, tO W7 cable connector,
battery arrd protect from accidental contact with
other cables or battery posts.