TM 5-6675-307-14
b. Shop Practice. Good shop practice includes
a. This section provides general cleaning,
keeping complete and accurate inspection records as
specified in TM 38-750. Such records not only expedite
inspection and repair instructions that are common to
reworking the equipment but ensure a complete and
components of the theodolite.
b. Special cleaning, inspection and repair
thorough repair. Inspection records should be based
upon the requirements outlined in this paragraph. Parts
instructions applicable to any individual component is
requiring repair or replacement should be tagged and a
covered with the component in the applicable sections
notation of the disposition of these parts should be
of the manual.
General Disassembly Instructions
entered in the inspection records.
c. Metallic Parts. The following procedures should
a. Do not touch the surfaces of any lenses, prisms,
be followed when inspecting metal parts.
mirrors, or other optical elements.
b. Disassemble the equipment only to the extent
(1) Burrs. Inspect gear teeth, retaining ring
grooves, and mating surfaces for burrs.
necessary to effect repair.
c. Keep groups of related parts together in a tray,
(2) Nicks and scratches. Inspect mating and
polished surfaces for nicks and scratches.
to prevent their being lost.
General Cleaning Instructions
(3) Parts with external threads.
thread parts for damage. If threads are damaged, reject
the part.
(4) Threaded holes. Inspect threaded holes
for damaged threads and obstructions which may be
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
wedged in the bottom.
clean parts is potentially dangerous to
(5) Springs. Inspect springs for distortion and
personnel and property. Avoid repeated
and prolonged skin contact. Do not use
near open flame or excessive heat.
a. Corrosion. Corrosion on non-mating surfaces
Flash point of solvent is 100 F. (38
may be removed with crocus cloth. After repair, remove
C.) 138 F. (59 C.).
b. Painted surfaces. Damaged painted surfaces
Use a soft, clean, lint-free cloth to wipe nonoptical parts.
should be repainted as soon as possible to prevent
Use an approved solvent for cleaning. Lenses, mirrors,
prisms, and other optical elements should be cleaned
c. Canvas. All canvas parts should be repaired in
with the optical brush and wiped with lens tissue. For
accordance with TM 10-269.
stubborn spots, clean optical parts with alcohol or
5-10. Assembly
acetone. As an alternative, lens can be breathed on and
Step-by-step procedures for assembly of the theodolite
wiped with lens tissue. Use care to avoid touching the
and its accessories are provided in Chapter 6.
surfaces of optical components.
5-11. Lubrication
General Inspection Instructions
Specific instructions for lubrication of parts during
a. General. The importance of carefully inspecting
assembly are given in Chapter 6.
disassembled parts cannot be over emphasized since
reassembly of substandard or defective parts can
result in needless troubleshooting and rework.
5-12. Telescope (Coincidence) Level Assembly
a. Removal. Refer to figure 5-2 and remove the
telescope level assembly.