Do not use acetone on plastic material.
for smooth operation throughout their full travel.
(8) Inspect the tribrach lock lever or lock
(6) Inspect the telescope focusing tube (fig.
knob as applicable, for ease of snapping in and out
4-4), telescope eyepiece, and microscope eyepiece
of lock position and for sufficient tension to lock
for smooth operation throughout their full travel.
the instrument to the tribach.
(7) Inspect the optical lenses for finger marks,
(9) Inspect the horizontal circle and vertical
dust, scratches, and etching. Remove dust with
the camel's hair brush. Foreign matter may be
must snap into position firmly and securely. They
removed by breathing on the lens and wiping dry
must rot ate freely, have a smooth, snug hinge
with a chamois, or with lens tissue and grain
action and remain in the position placed.
alcohol or acetone.