TM 5-6675-270-15
under any other condition, especially where dust
the leveling screws to hold them snugly against
may get into recesses, may result in damage to
the tripod base, should be lubricated sparingly
as occasion may require, using grease (GIA).
applied sparingly, never use a container with a
e. Lubricating Procedure. Cleaning and lubri-
spout, as an oil can, to squirt oil on parts or into
cation services which require partial or complete
disassembly of the instrument must be performed
in the dust-free atmosphere of an instrument
repair shop, and then only by qualified instrument
Never attempt to take the theodolite
repair personnel. Taking the instrument apart
apart in the field.
Section Ill.
ment if operation were continued. All deficiencies
and shortcoming will be recorded together with
To insure that the theodolite is ready for operation
the corrective action taken on DA Form 2404
at all times, it must be inspected systematically
(Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Work-
so that defects may be discovered and corrected
sheet) at the earliest possible opportunity.
before they result in serious damage or failure.
3-6. Preventive Maintenance Checks and
The necessary preventive maintenance checks and
services to be performed are listed and described
Table 32 contains a
tabulated listing of
the oper-
ation of the unit will be noted for future correc-
ator's periodic (daily and weekly) preventive
tion to be made as soon as operation has eased.
maintenance checks and services. The item num-
Stop operation immediately if a deficiency is noted
hers indicate the sequence of minimum inspection
during operation which would damage the equip-
Table 3-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services