(2) Position the window (5) in the bushing (6)
(7) Remove the pin (21) that secures the knob
a n d cement in place with shellac.
( 2 2 ) to the screw bolt (25) and remove the knob
f r o m the screw bolt.
(3) Position the retaining clip (4) on the
b u s h i n g (6) and secure with the threaded bushing
( 8 ) Remove the two machine screws (23) that
secure the sleeve (24) to the cover (17) and remove
( 3 ) by turning in a clockwise direction.
( 4 ) Position the sleeve (24) on the cover (17)
t h e sleeve.
and secure with the two machine screws (23).
(9) Remove the threaded bushing (3) and
( 5 ) Install the screw bolt (25) in the sleeve
r e t a i n i n g clip (4) from the bushing (6) by turning
the threaded bushing in a
( 6 ) Position the knob (22) on the screw bolt
(10) Break the cement seal and remove the
(25) and secure with the pin (21).
window (5) from the bushing (6).
( 7 ) Position the bushing (6) in the cover (17)
a n d secure with the lockring (18) by turning in a
(11) Remove the two machine screws (16)
c l o c k w i s e direction. Secure the lockring with the
t h a t secure the mirror (1) to the cover (17) and
setscrew (26).
r e m o v e the mirror.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
( 8 ) Install the machine screw (2) in the cover
(1) Clean all metal parts with an approved
cleaning solvent. Wipe the electrical cable clean
(9) Install the insulating bushing (20) and
cable (10) in the lamp holder (8).
with a cloth. Clean and polish the window with lens
tissue moistened in grain alcohol or acetone. Brush
bushing (6) and secure with the nut (7) by turning
all threaded surfaces free of dirt and foreign
i n a clockwise direction.
material. Clean the corrosion from the electrical
(11) Install the cable (10) in the two con-
plug contacts.
n e c t o r prongs (13) and secure with the two screws
(2) Inspect the window for cracks or chips.
I n s p e c t the lamp holder, light cover, and knob for
( 1 2 ) Install the connector prongs (13) in the
cracks, breaks, and dents. Inspect the electrical
t w o halves of the connector housing (12 and 14)
a n d fasten the two halves together with the screw
(3) Smooth minor dents. Repair minor in-
sulation damage to the cable with tape. Replace all
(11) and nut (15).
d e f e c t i v e parts that cannot be repaired.
c. Reassembly.
cover (17) and secure with the two machine screws