references the special tools and test equipment
maintenance performed by the Army. Overhaul
r e q u i r e m e n t s and the letter represents the specific
does not normally return an item to like new
m a i n t e n a n c e function the item is to be used with.
The letter is representative of columns A through K
K -- Rebuild: Consists of those services / actions
on the MAC.
equipment of a like new condition in accordance
b. Maintenance Category. This column shows
t h e lowest level of Maintenance authorized to use
w i t h original manufacturing standards. Rebuild is
t h e special tools or test equipment.
the highest degree of materiel maintenance applied
c. Nomenclature. This column lists the name or
t o Army equipment. The rebuild operation includes
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of the tools or test equipment.
the act of returning to zero those age measurement
(hours / miles, etc.) considered in classifying Army
m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s code and part number, or Federal
equipment / components.
Stock Number of tools and test equipment.
d. Column (4), Tools and Equipment. T h i s
column is provided for referencing by code the
C - 4 . Explanation of Columns in Section IV
special tools and test equipment, (sec III) required
a. Reference Code. This column consists of two
to perform the maintenance functions (see II).
l e t t e r s separated by a dash, entered from column
e. Column (5), Remarks. This column is
(5), Section II. The first letter references the
p r o v i d e d for referencing by code the remarks (see
R e m a r k and the second letter references a main-
I V ) pertinent to the maintenance functions.
tenance function, column (3), A through K, to
C-3. Explanation of Columns in Section III
w h i c h the remark applies.
b. Remarks. This column lists information
a. Reference Code. This column consists of a
n u m b e r and a letter separated by a dash entered
pertinent to the maintenance function being
from column 4 on the MAC. The number
performed, as indicated on the MAC Section II.