C1, TM 11-6625-821-45
Section I. General Functioning of Test Set, Direction Finder Set
diagram description of each performance
check, e provides a block diagram description
a. General. This manual contains general
of Test Fixture, Loop Antenna MT3667/
support and depot maintenance instructions
for Test Set, Direction Finder Set AN/ARM-
b. Receiver. The test set checks the perform-
93. It includes instructions appropriate to these
ance of the receiver by simulating the sig-
categories of maintenance for troubleshooting,
nals applied to the receiver during normal op-
testing, aligning, and repairing the equipment.
eration and by providing an indication of the
The manual also lists tools, materials, and test
receiver's response to such signals. The loop
equipment for maintenance. Detailed func-
antenna signal and sense antenna signal for
tions of the equipment are also covered.
the receiver are produced with an external
b. Report of Equipment Manusl Improve-
signal generator, a loop simulator, a cable
ments. Report of errors, omissions, and recom-
simulator, and Simulator, Antenna SM-446/
mendations for improving this manual by the
ARM93 (sense antenna adapter). The exter-
individual user is encouraged. Reports should
nal signal generator provides the radiofre-
be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recom-
quency (RF) carrier for the two signals. The
mended Changes to DA Publications) and for-
RF carrier is applied directly to SENSE AN-
warded direct to Commanding General, U.S.
TENNA connector J10. The sense antenna
Army Electronics Command, ATTN: AMSEL-
signal from J10 is connected to the receiver
ME-NMP-AD, Fort Monmouth, N. J., 07703.
through the sense antenna adapter, which
Note. For other applicable forms and records, see
set and the receiver. The RF carrier is also
applied to the loop simulator through a con-
c. Indexes of Publication. Refer to the
verter. The loop simulator adds directional
latest issues of DA Pam 3104 and DA
characteristics to the RF carrier and simu-
Pam 3107 to determine whether there are
lates Antenna AS1863/ARN83 (fixed loop
new editions, changes, or additional publica-
antenna ) normally used with the receiver.
tions pertaining to the equipment.
The converter enables the operator to read the
field strength of the RF carrier at the simu-
1-2. Functional Block Diagram Analysis
lated fixed loop antenna directly from the ex-
ternal signal generator output meter. The field
a. Genera/. Test Set, Direction Finder Set
strength to read in microvolt per meter when
the signal generator output meter measures the
AN/ARM93 checks the performance of
signal generator output in microvolt. From
Radio Receiver R-1391/ARN-83; Control,
the loop simulator, the RF carrier is applied
Direction Finder C6899/ARN83 (control
to the cable simulator, which simulates part
unit); and Inverter, Power, Static CV-2128/
of the impedance of the loop cable located in
ARN-83 b through d below provide a block