TM 11-5826-225-35
d. Replacement of Tuning Capacitor Subas-
(66) Pull assembly of items (60 through
64) toward front gear plate (103)
Note. Replace the gear train subassembly (c above)
until spur gears (62 and 64) are un-
before replacing the tuning capacitor subassembly.
meshed from 17-tooth gear on spur
(l)' Replace tuning capacitor subassem-
gear assembly (70).
bly (fig. 3-1) in receiver chassis. Re-
(67) Hold hubbed spur gear (64), and ro-
tighten four screws (M) if they were
tate spur gear (62) five teeth clock-
loosened during removal of tuning ca-
wise (right-hand loading), as viewed
pacitor subassembly.
from spur gear (62) end. Take up any
(2) Loosen two setscrews on tuning ca-
slack before counting the five teeth.
(68) Keep right-hand loading as in (67)
t r a i n subassembly. This collar is
above, and push assembly (60 through
64) toward rear gear plate (58). Re-
(3) Loosen lowest of four screws (A, fig.
m e s h gears (62 and 64) with 17-
3 - 2 ) approximately three turns if
t o o t h gear on spur gear assembly
power supply and servo compartment
has been replaced.
(69) Tighten two setscrews (60, lock). Do
(4) Slide tuning capacitor subassembly.
not tighten setscrews on openings in
toward gear train assembly. While
split hub of hubbed spur gear (64).
doing so, hold assembly of tuning ca-
Tighten setscrews on solid portion of
pacitor shaft collar and tuning ca-
split hub.
(70) Apply a small amount of the follow-
shaft of tuning capacitor subassembly
ing mixture to the teeth of all gears.
fits into hub of one of the tuning ca-
Wipe off ail excess.
pacitor drive gears.
(a) 25 parts by weight of grease (MIL-
(5) Replace capscrew and lockwasher (K)
that secures tuning capacitor subas-
(b) 37 parts by weight of butyl alcohol.
sembly to gear train subassembly.
(c) 37 parts by weight of xylene.
(6) Replace screw and lockwasher (L, fig.
Note. Items 65 through 69 are adjusted
after the tuning capacitor subassembly is
(7) Retighten lowest of four screws ((3)
replaced (d below). Items 88 through 92
aove) .
are adjusted during adjustment and syn-
(8) Move tuning capacitor drive gears and
chronization of the resolver servo system
tuning capacitor shaft collar (fig.
replaced after all subassemblies are re-
3-1) toward rear of receiver (toward
c. Replacement of Gear Train Assembly.
train subassembly until drive gears
Note. Replace the gear train assembly before replac-0
are unmeshed from spur gear assem-
ing the tuninig capacitor subassemlby (d below).
bly (70) in gear train subassembly.
switch shaft (m below), or power supply and servo
(9) W i t h drive gears unmeshed, hold
compartment (n below).
hubbed tuning capacitor drive gear
(65) and rotate tuning capacitor drive
gear (67) four teeth clockwise (right-
hand loading), as viewed from gear
(67) end.
(l0) Keep loading in (9) above, and re-
mesh tuning capacitor drive gears (65
a n d 67) with spur gear assembly
(70) .