TM 11-4920-292-15
mitter. An adapter is provided for the compass
8-4. Description of
listed in e below.
a. The MK-1040A/ASN includes six me-
c. Transmitter Mounting Plate MX-8112A/
chanical adapters (MX-8162/ASN, MX-8163/
ASM-339 (V), turntable extension legs, and
ASN, MX-8164/ASN, MX-8165/ASN, MX-
ring spacers are used to mount Induction Com-
8166/ASN, and MX-8167/ASN), a transmitter
pass Transmitter T-611/ASN or Remote Com-
mounting plate (MX-8112A/ASM-339 (V)),
four turntable extension legs, four ring spacers,
optical transfer.
and eight adapter cables (CX-10934/ASN, CX-
10935/ASN, CX-10936/ASN, CX-10937/ASN,
d. The adapter cables are used during the
CX-10938/ASN, CX-10939/ASN, CX-10940/
compass swing for interconnection of the com-
ASN, and CX-10941/ASN).
pass calibrator with each compass system listed
in e below.
b. The mechanical adapters are used in a
e. The MK-1040A/ASN is used whenever
with the aircraft centerline. These adapters are
the compass calibrator is used to electrically
necessary to mount the telescope furnished with
swing the following compass system/aircraft
the compass calibrator to the compass trans-
Compass system
Aircraft type
AN/ASN-13 with Indicator ID-567
U-1A and U-8D.
AN/ASN-43 with Radio Magnetic
AH-1G, CH-47A, CH-54, UH-1B,
Compass Indicator ID-998/ASN.
UH-1C, UH-1D, UH-1H, and U-21.
AN/ASN43 with Heading-Radio
Bearing Indicator ID-1351/A.
U-1A, U-6, and U-8D.
J-2 with Radio-Magnetic Compass
CH-47A, UH-1B, UH-1C, U-1A,
Indicator ID-998/ASN.
U-6, and U-8D.
OV-1 and U-8.
with a Particle Separator Donaldson Filter.
8-5. Description of Major Units
(This adapter will not function in OH-6A air-
a. Description of Compass Calibrator Set
craft equipped with the Michigan Dynamics
Incorporated Barrier Filter. )
(1) The MX-8162/ASN is used to attach
(5) The MX-8166/ASN is used to attach
the telescope to Induction Compass Transmitter
the telescope to Induction Compass Transmitter
DT-309/AJN or T-611/ASN used in U-1A,
T611/ASN used in CH-47 and CH-47A air-
U-6, U-8D, and U-21 aircraft.
(2) The MX-8163/ASN is used to attach
(6) The MX-8167/ASN is used to attach
the telescope to Induction Compass Transmitter
the telescope to Remote Compass Transmitter
T-611/ASN used in CH-54 aircraft.
ML-1 used in OV-1 aircraft.
(3) The MX-8164/ASN is used to attach
b. Description
of Electrical Special Purpose
the telescope to Induction Compass Transmitter
Cable Assemblies.
T-611/ASN used in AH-1G, UH-1B, UH-1C,
(1) The CX-10934/ASN is used to adapt
UH-1D, and UH-1H aircraft.
the compass calibrator to Remote Compass
(4) The MX-8165/ASN is used to attach
the telescope to Induction Compass Transmitter
(2) The CX-10935/ASN is used to adapt
T-611/ASN used in OH-6A aircraft equipped