TM 11-4920-209-15-1
SMR codes for the part. Listed in ascending
C-1. Scope
order directly below the SMR codes is the
This appendix contains a list of repair parts
index number assigned to the repair part.
required for the performance of general and
depot maintenance for Table, Tilting, Gyro
(1) Source code (S). The selection status
Instrument Testing MX-4042A/ASW-12.
and source for the listed item is noted here.
Source codes and their explanations are as
Note. No special tools, test, and support equipment
are required.
C-2. General
P - Applies to repair parts that are stocked
The repair parts list is divided into the follow-
in or supplied from the GSA/DSA, or
ing sections:
Army supply system, and authorized
for use at indicated maintenance cate-
a. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General
Support, and Depot Maintenance, Section II.
A - Applies to assemblies that are not pro-
Repair parts authorized for general support
cured or stocked as such but are made
and depot maintenance are included in this
up of two or more units, each of which
section. No parts authorized for stockage at
carries an individual stock number
direct support.
and description and is procured and
Note. All indexes noted below are cross-referenced
stocked and can be assembled by units
to index numbers. The index numbers appear in as-
cending sequence in column 1 of the repair parts list
at indicated maintenance categories.
(para C-3a). The index number for the particular item
X1 - Applies to repair parts that are not pro-
will be the same for the item in all sections of this
cured or stocked, the requirement for
which will be supplied by the use of
b. Federal Stock Number Cross-Reference to
next higher assembly or component.
Index Number, Section III. This is a cross-
X2 - Applies to repair parts that are not
reference index of Federal stock numbers and
stocked. The indicated maintenance
numbers to index
category requiring such repair parts
will attempt to obtain them through
cannibalization; if n o t obtainable
c. Reference Designation Cross-Reference to
through cannibalization, such repair
Index Number, Section IV. This is a cross-
parts will be requisitioned with sup-
reference index of reference designations and/
or item numbers to index numbers.
supply channels.
C-3. Explanation of Columns
(2) Maintenance code (M). The lowest
explanation of the columns is given below.
category of maintenance authorized to install
the listed item is noted here.
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
The first line in this column lists the applicable
H ---------- General support maintenance