TM 11-4920-209-15-1
(3) Recoverability code (R). The infor-
the first appearance of the item. Items author-
ized for use as required, but not for initial
mation in this column indicates whether un-
stockage, are identified with an asterisk in
serviceable items should be returned for re-
covery or salvage. Recoverability code and its
the allowance column.
(2) The quantitative allowances for
explanation is as follows:
category of maintenance will represent
Note. When no code is indicated in the recover-
stockage for a 30-day period for the number of
ability column, the part will be considered expendable.
equipments supported.
R - Applies to repair parts and assemblies
h. One-Year Allowances Per 100 Equipments.
which are economically repairable at
Contingency Planning Purposes Column. Op-
DSU and GSU activities and normally
posite the first appearance of each item, the
furnished by supply on an exchange
total quantity required for distribution and
contingency planning purposes is indicated.
The range of items indicates total quantities
b. Federal Stock Number Column. The Fed-
of all authorized items required to provide for
eral stock number for the item is listed in this
adequate support of 100 equipments for 1 year.
i. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
c. Description Column. This column includes
Equipments Column. This column indicates the
the Federal item name and any additional
total quantity of each item authorized depot
description of the item required, the manu-
maintenance for 100 equipments. Subsequent
facturer's part number (reference number),
appearances of the same item will have no
and the applicable five-digit Federal supply
entry in this column, but will have a reference
code for manufacturers (para C-6). For sub-
in the description column to the first appear-
sequent appearances of the same item, the
ance of the item.
manufacturer's code and part number (ref-
erence number ) are omitted. The words "same
j. Illustrations Column.
as" followed by the index number assigned to
(1) Figure number (a). The number of
the item when it first appeared in the list will
the illustration in which the item is shown is
f o l l o w the item name, e.g., "RESISTOR,
indicated in this column.
(2) Item No. or reference designation
Usable on code column is not used.
(b). This column lists the reference designa-
d. Unit of Issue Column. The unit used as a
tions that appear on the part in the equipment.
basis of issue (e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.) is indi-
C-4. Stockage
cated in this column.
No parts authorized for stockage at organi-
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack Col-
zational category.
umn. Not used.
C-5. Location of Repair Parts
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Column.
The quantity of repair parts in an assembly
a. This appendix c o n t a i n s two cross-
is given in this column.
reference indexes (sees. III and IV), to be used
to locate a repair part when either the Federal
g. Maintenance Allowances Column.
stock number, reference number (manufac-
(1) The maintenance allowance columns
turer's part number), or reference designa-
are divided into subcolumns. Indicated in each
tion is known. The first column in each cross-
subcolumn opposite the first appearance of the
reference index is prepared, as applicable, in
item is the total quantity of items authorized
numerical or alphanumerical sequence.
for the number of equipments supported. Sub-
last column of each cross-reference index
sequent appearances of the same item will have
the index number assigned to the part.
no entry, in the allowance columns, but will
have a reference in the description column to
b. Refer to the appropriate cross-reference