SB 11-643
(1) Components will be shipped to the contrac-
tor's plant for repair/replacement in accordance with
those procedures in TM 11-5841-281-12, AR 725-50,
CV-3338/ASN-128, Converter, Signal Data,
and DOD 4160.21-M, along with the documentation
CP-1252/ASN-128, Computer-Display Unit.
(2) Components returned to the contractor's
b. Inspection of- the Unpacked Component.
plant will be only those components covered under
(1) Inspect the component for damage that may
have occurred during shipment. If the component has
been damaged, or packaging deficiencies are discov-
(3) All components will be shipped by Air Parcel
Post, Priority mail, insured; (return receipt re-
ered, fill out and forward SF 364 (Report of Discrep-
quested is recommended) in accordance with AR
ancy) (AR 735-112).
34-3. All failed components are to be shipped to the
(2) The receiving activity will verify that the
contractor as soon as they are packaged, and all ac-
component is complete as listed on the packing listed
companying documents are completed. All shipments
on the packing list furnished by the manufacturer. If
must be insured up to the limit of their value or per-
the packing list is not available, verify the shipment
missible maximum allowed by the carrier (not to ex-
ceed the shipment value).
c. Repackaging. Repackage the component using
(4) All components returned for repair will be
the illustrations in figure 4, 6 and 7 as follows:
shipped to the address listed in 5b(2).
(1) Place the component in the plastic bag and
(5) Activities returning components for
position it within the recesses of the carton as shown
replacement/repair through ICS will indicate their
in the illustration. Replace the preformed cushioning.
complete in-the-clear address on DA Form 2407,
block 20. Failure to include the return address will
are properly positioned in the carton. Close the
delay the return of components to using activities.
carton flaps and seal all seams and joints with water-
resistant tape.
12. Queries. The ICS is a new approach for the re-
(2) If the original packaging materials are not
pair and maintenance of equipment within Army in-
available for use, place each component within a plas-
ventories; therefore, the referenced regulations and
tic bag fabricated of material conforming to L-P-378.
procedures outlined herein will be complied with to
Cushion the component on all surfaces (a minimum of
maintain accountability and ensure effective and or-
6 inch thickness) with uncompressed bound fiber,
derly component repair and return to users. Ques-
type I I , C l a s s A , of PPPC1120, NSN
tions concerning this ICS program will be addressed
to the specialty area as noted below. Additionally, in-
within a close-fitting fiberboard carton conforming
formation copies of all correspondence will be pro-
the PPPB-636, V3c and seal all seams and joints
vided to the technical address below.
with tape conforming to PPPT60, NSN
Information required
is being shipped, the shipping activity may place a
quantity of packaged components within a close-
fitting container.
(3) Substitute packaging materials may be se-
Ft Monmouth, NJ 07703.5007
lected from those items listed in SB 38-100.
Av 992-1731
10. Shipment Marking. The packed LDNS compo-
nent will be addressed to the contractor and marked
as follows:
Ft Monmouth, NJ 07703-5007
Singer Company Kearfott Division
AV 992-3151
1370 San Marcos Blvd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Ft Monmouth, NJ 07703-5007
11. Transportation. a. The transportation costs for
AV 992-2234
the shipment of components to the contractor's plant
or repair facility are paid by the user or shipping
b. Special procedures for activities returning defec-
Ft Monmouth, NJ 07703-5007
tive components are as follows:
AN 992-4791