SB 11-643
1149), accountability for components re-
possible. Air Parcel Post, insured, or return receipt
turned for repair/replacement will be the re-
requested by authorized IAW AR 340-3.
sponsibility of the user (returnee) until re-
ceipt at the Contractor Repair Facility, at
DO NOT hold failed components pending re-
which time accountability will be assumed
ceipt of disposition instructions from the
by the Defense Contracting Administration
Services Region (DCASR) Administrative
Contracting Officer (ACO), for contract
8. DA Form 4697-( Department of the Army Re-
port of Survey). DA Form 4697 is required only in
c. Distribution of the DD Form 13481 or DD
the case of inventory loss reporting. If a component
Form 1149 is as follows:
is lost or destroyed, the procedures outlined in AR
(1) One copy will accompany the component re-
735-11, Accounting for Loss, Damaged and De-
turned to the contractor, and be addressed to:
stroyed Property, will be complied with by
Singer Company Kearfott Division
completing DA Form 4697. In addition to the normal
1370 San Marcos Blvd
distribution specified in AR 735-11, for DA Form
San Marcos, CA 92069
4697, a duplicate copy will be required for Loss Code
ATTN: Repair Services Administrator,
l--Combat Loss, Loss Code 3--Pilferage/Theft/
Storage and Loss, Code 4--Crash/Accident/Act of
(2) One copy to the DCASD ACO, addressed to:
God, and forwarded to the following address:
DCASD San Diego
BLDG No. 4 AF Plant No. 19
4297 Pacific Hwy
Ft Monmouth, NJ 07703-5007
San Diego, CA 92110
This copy is required by the National Inventory Con-
(3) One COPY to the CDRUSACECOM, Ft
trol Point for contractor support cost adjustment
Monmouth, NJ
with the manufacturer for all LDNS components lost
or destroyed.
( 4 ) One copy to CDRUSACECOM, Ft
Monmouth, NJ
9. Receipt, Return, Unpacking, Packaging and
Packing. a. Packaging and Unpacking.
(1) Packaging data. The components of the
7. SF 368, (Quality Deficiency Report). When a
doppler navigational system are individually pack-
failure or installation/removal occurs at an Army De-
aged in separate weather-resistant, corrugated fiber-
pot, specialized repair activity, or prime contractor
board cartons with all seams and joints sealed with
supplied with Government Furnished Avionics
water-resistant, pressure-sensitive tape. Each com-
Equipment (GFAE) that is under contractor support,
ponent is enclosed within a plastic bag and cushioned
SF 368 will be processed. When SF 368 is used, it
will be submitted instead of DA Fom 2407.
rial. The packaging diagram for the lightweight
a. Complete SF 368 in accordance with DSA Ref
Doppler Navigation System (LDSN) is shown in fig-
No. 4155.24 (AR 702-7), Reporting of Product Qual-
ure 5, 6 and 7. The dimensions of
the components and
ity Deficiencies Across Component Lines.
b. Mandatory entries required.
(2) Unpacking instructions. Open the carton; be
(1) Item 19--Yes blonk.
careful when removing the components so as not to
(2) Item 21--Returned for investigation.
damage the components or destroy the carton, plastic
(3) Item 22--In addition to the details describing
bag, or the internal dunnage. DO NOT dispose of the
the problem and removal/installation for any reason,
packaging materials.
the following statement must be included in block 22
c. Attach one copy to the component being re-
The containers used for the following com-
turned to the manufacturer. If removal/installation is
for any reason other than inoperability, SF 368
designed with specially preformed inserts,
should be completed as noted and mailed to the man-
These containers will be retained for use
when repackaging and shipping components
d. Failed components will be returned immediately
between the Government and contractor's
to the manufacturer by the fastest traceable means
repair facility: