SB 11-643
e. Information copies to:
(2) Components requiring repair will be returned
by air parcel post directly to the contractor ad-
(1) CDRUSACECOM, Ft Monmouth, NJ//
dressed and marked as follows:
(2) 910-322-1142 SKD, San Marcos, CM/
Singer Company, Kearfott Division
1370 San Marcos Boulevard
San Marcos, CA 92069
(3) CDRUSACECOM, Ft Monmouth, NJ//
ATTN: Repair Service Administrator Interim
f. All activities returning any LDNS component
for contractor support repair will complete the fol-
lowing blocks of DA Form 2407, Maintenance Re-
Using activities will not requisition replace-
ments for those components returned for re-
(1) Block 1 through 15--complete as prescribed
pair under the AN/ASN-128 ICS program.
in DA PAM 738-750.
Replacement or repaired components will be
(2) Block 16--State in clear terms the following
furnished through the ICS materiel flow
facts concerning the item identified in block 3:
(fig. 1).
(a) Date the component became inoperable.
c. All activities that return any LDNS component
(b) BITE code brief opinion as to the cause of
for ICS repair are required to prepare a message,
the failure. Also annotate the appropriate failure
electrical, which must contain the following minimal
codes (DA Form 2407) which relate to the cause of
information to assure expedited replacement/return
of the unserviceable Doppler component. See figure 2
(c) Indicate aircraft type and tail number in
for typical example.
which failure occurred/or other.
(1) Type number and nomenclature of defective
(d) From the flying hour log extract the flying
hours at the time of AN/ASN128 installation, and
(2) Serial number of the component.
the flying hours at the time of component removal.
(3) NSN.
(3) Block 20--Enter the complete in-the-clear
(4) Aircraft type and tail number from which re-
address where the component is to be shipped after
moved (if applicable).
(5) Built-in test equipment (BITE) code which
g. DA Form 2407 distribution shall be as follows:
indicated failure as contained in TM 11-5841-281-12
(1) Receipt Copy No. 1: Place with the failed
(include all ALPHA and numeric CDU digits).
component being returned to the contractor for ICS
(6) Date failure occurred.
(7) Date failed unit was shipped.
(2) NMP Copy No. 2: Mail to the following
(8) Mode of transportation for returned compo-
nent and the Post Office Registration/Certification/
insured mail control number assigned to the package
in/by which component is being returned.
(9) Document number assigned the DD Form
Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5007
1348-1 (DOD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Doc-
(3) All other copies (No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5) will
ument) or DD Form 1149 (Requisition and Invoice/
be disposed of as prescribed by the local command.
Shipping. (DD Form 1348-1 is used by Army field/
DOD activities; DD Form 1149 is used by Air Frame
6. Shipping Documents. a. All Army and other
DOD activities returning LDNS components for con-
(10) Control Number on DA Form 2407, (Main-
tract support repair will complete a DD Form 1348-1
tenance Request).
as required by AR 725-50 (Requisitioning, Receipt,
(11) The in-the-clear address to which the
and Issue System).
replacement/repaired component is to be returned.
b. All Air Frame Contractors and other authorized
DOD commercial repair facilities returning Doppler
components for contractor support repair will com-
Failure to provide complete data in the
plete a DD Form 1149 as required by DOD
message will cause delay in forwarding a re-
4160.21-M, Defense Disposal Manual (formerly AR
placement component. Omitted data will
have to be obtained from the returning ac-
tivity before replacement can be shipped.
Although shipment will be accomplished
d. Message will be sent to:
through use of one or the other documents
91-322-1142 SKD San Marcos CA//REP
listed above (DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form