ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
10. Install + 10V converter-regulator circuit
card assembly A2 (50) in accordance with
sheet 2) end washer (29) securing bus bar
W1 (27) to circuit breaker CB1 (25); re-
move bus bar W 1,
Install 28V converter-regulator circuit
card assembly A3 (63) in accordance with
2. Remove self-locking nut (30) and washer
(31) securing terminal lugs (32 and 33) to
circuit breaker CB1 (25); remove terminal
Install filter circuit card assembly A4 (68)
in accordance with
4-19b(4)(b)l thru 4-19b(4)(b)5.
3. Remove screw (55) and washer (56) secur-
ing terminal lug (59) to relay K2 (54);
Install sequence monitor circuit card as-
remove terminal lug.
gaphs 4-19b(5)(b)l thru 4-19b(5)(b)5.
4. Tag and unsolder wires from terminals on
circuit breaker CB1 (25).
Secure bottom cover (45) and gasket (46)
to chassis (22) with 25 screws (43) and
5. Open circuit breaker cover and remove
washers (44). Torque screws to 9 inch-
two screws (22 and 23) and washer (24)
pounds using procedures described in par-
securing circuit breaker CB 1 (25) to chas-
sis (8); remove circuit breaker CB1.
(9) Chassis-mounted component removal and re-
6. Remove capacitor C4 (26) from circuit
placement. The following procedures describe removing
breaker CB1 (25).
and replacing of chassis-mounted components. Some
(d) Circuit breaker CB1 replacement.
components can be replaced using standard shop prac-
tices and are not covered here. When self-locking nuts
are removed, replace with new self-locking nuts. Re-
Discard hardware supplied with new cir-
cuit breaker except flat washers,
nents when applicable. After component is replaced,
1. Bond capacitor C4 (26) to circuit breaker
secure cover and torque screws to 9 inch-pounds using
(25) using urethane adhesive (960278-4).
2. Secure circuit breaker CB1 (25) to chassis
(a) Circuit breaker cover removal
(8) with two screws (22 and 23) and
Release circuit breaker cover (3, figure
washer (24). Close circuit breaker cover.
4-20, sheet 1)
clamping catch from strike
Secure terminal lugs (32 and 33) to circuit
breaker CB1 (25) with self-locking nut
(30) and washer (31).
When removing other circuit breaker
4. Secure bus bar W1 (27) to circuit breaker
cover, also remove terminal lug (7).
CB1 (25) with self-locking nut (28) and
washer (29).
2. Remove two screws (1) and washers (2)
securing circuit breaker cover (3) to chas-
5. Solder wires to terminals on circuit
sis (8); remove circuit breaker cover.
breaker CB1 (25).
(b) Circuit breaker cover replacement.
6. Secure terminal lug (59) to relay K2 (54)
with screw (55) and washer (56).
1. Inspect circuit breaker cover (3) gasket
for darnage and replace if required.
(e) Circuit breaker CB2 removal.
sheet 2) and two washers (36 and 36.1)
When replacing other circuit breaker
securing bus bar W5 (1 1 ) to circuit breaker
cover, also secure terminal lug (7).
CB2 (34); remove bus bar W5.
2. Secure circuit breaker cover (3) to chassis
2. Remove self-locking nut (37) and washer
(8) with two screws (1) and washers (2).
(38) securing terminal lug (39) to circuit
breaker CB2 (34); remove terminal lug.
3. Secure circuit breaker cover (3) clamping
catch to strike (6).
3. Tag and unsolder wires from terminals on
(c) Circuit breaker CB1 removal.
circuit breaker CB2 (34).
Change 5