ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
control circuit card assembly A3 (8) follow-
ing procedures described in 3-17a(l).
The tilt of the porro prism assembly must
(b) Repair.
be adjusted to gain access to the screws.
1. Cut length of 28 AWG stranded insulated
2. Remove three screws (21) and washers
wire long enough to connect termination
(20) securing porror prism assembly (19).
Remove porro prism assembly.
tion for a length of 1/8 inch at each end
(b) Replacement.
of wire.
1. Position porro prism assembly (19)
Solder wire to termination using standard
against mounting surface, align mounting
shop practices.
3. Tack wire to flexprint at one-inch-inter-
Install three screws (21) and washers (20)
vals in accordance with the following
securing porro prism assembly (19). A ply
tamper detection compound (7526F) to
screw heads.
Align IMU following procedures de-
4. Fit porro prism cover (15) to IMU and
secure with two clamping catches (18).
Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and gives
off harmful vapors. Use only in well-ven-
tilated area away from open flames and
4-19. Power Supply
sparks. Avoid prolonged or repeated inha-
a. Power Supply Testing. Testing is performed us-
lation of vapors.
4. Clean wire and flexprint tack points using
b. Power Supply Repair. Power supply repair con-
isopropyl alcohol,
sists of removal and replacement of circuit card assem-
5. Applying bonding primer (A4094) to tack
blies, chassis-mounted `components, gaskets, and hard-
points on flexprint. Allow to air dry.
power supply and power supply subassembly, respec-
6. Apply adhesive (RTV 156 or 30-079) to
tively. Refer to table 4-23 for circuit card identification.
tack points on flexprint and wire. Apply
sufficient pressure to ensure good bond.
(c) Replacement. Install display logic circuit
card assemblies Al (6) and A2 (7) and keyboard and
When removing, replacing, or handling
control circuit card assembly A3 (8) and reassemble
sequence monitor circuit card assembly
control display unit following procedures described in
A5, power inverter assembly A6, or bat-
tery charger circuit card assembly A7, do
not touch connector pins as damage to
the assembly may result. Check that cir-
cuit card(s) is transported in conductive
a. IMU Testing. Testing is performed using PADS
bag with CAUTION label identifying its
contents as static sensitive device.
b. IMU Repair. IMU repair allocated to general
Prior to removal of assembly from pack-
support by the MAC consists of replacing the porro
aging, operator should discharge static
prism. Alignment of porro prism after replacement is
earth ground.
view of the IMU.
(1) + 17V converter-regulator circuit card assem-
(1) Porro prism assembly. Remove and replace
bly A1. Remove and replace + 17V converter-regulator
(a) Removal.
(a) Removal.
1. Release two clamping catches (18) secur-
1. Loosen 25 captive screws (43) and wash-
ing porro prism cover (15). Remove
ers (44) securing bottom cover (45) and