ARMY TM 5-6675-308-34
Set BATTERY and VEHICLE circuit breakers
Set VEHICLE circuit breaker to CB2 to ON.
CB1 and CB2 to ON.
If short is present, set VEHICLE circuit
(13) If short is removed, replace battery charger
breaker CB2 to OFF and check diode CB2
circuit card assembly A7.
anode to ground for a short.
(14) Set BATTERY and VEHICLE circuit breakers
If short is present, check diode CR2 anode
CB1 and CB2 to OFF.
terminal lug and insulator for damage. Repair
or replace as necessary.
(15) Set PSTS INPUT POWER UUT circuit
breaker to OFF.
Set VEHICLE circuit breaker CB2 to ON and
check VEHICLE circuit breaker CB2-3 to
(16) Set INPUT POWER PSTS circuit breaker to
ground for a short.
If short is not present, replace VEHICLE
(17) Set 0 to + 40V input power source to off.
circuit breaker CB2.
(18) Reinstall battery charger circuit card assembly
Check diode CR2 anode to ground for + 5V.
(19) Set PSTS INPUT POWER PSTS circuit
If + 5V is not present, check VEHICLE cir-
breaker to ON.
cuit breaker CB2-1 to ground for + 5V.
(20) Set INPUT POWER UUT circuit breaker to
If + 5V still is not present, redate VEHICLE
circuit breaker CB21
(21) Set 0 to + 40V input power source to on.
(22) Set BATTERY circuit breaker CB1 to ON.
If subroutine 1 is done for step 2h of
(23) If short is present, set BATTERY circuit
breaker CB1 to OFF.
approximately +24 volts.
e. PS Troubleshooting Subroutine No. 2 Bus
breaker to OFF.
Power Short and Continuity Checks. This subroutine
checks that the DC input power can be applied to the
Set INPUT POWER PSTS circuit breaker to
circuits when main relay K1 is turned on: `Before it is
closed, only the battery charger and sequence monitor is
Set 0 to + 40V input power source to off.
active. When K1 closes, some of the + 24V power is
sent directly to connector 3J5-6 for use by the system
Check diode CR3 anode to ground for short.
computer. Most of the remaining current flows to the
If short exists, check diode CR3 anode termi-
input filter board, In the switching regulator section of
nal lug and insulator for damage. Repair or
the chassis, this current is then divided to the three
replace as necessary.
regulators. The most probable failures are shorted tran-
sistors and shorted capacitors. These are found by
If diode CR3 mode is not shorted, set BAT-
removing assembles. Perform subroutine no. 2 as fol-
TERY circuit breaker CB1 to ON and check
BATTERY circuit breaker CB1-3 to ground
for short.
Set BATTERY circuit breaker CB1 to OFF.
If short is not present, replace BATTERY
Check that standoff terminal El is shorted to
circuit breaker CB1.
standoff terminal E2. Standoff terminal E2.
(31) Set PSTS INPUT POWER PSTS circuit
Standoff terminals El and E2 are located on
breaker to ON.
filter circuit card assembly A4 where terminal
lugs are connected.
(32) Set INPUT POWER UUT circuit breaker to
Pull filter circuit card assembly A4 away from
intercomection assembly by loosening wedge-
(33) Set 0 to + 40V input power source to on.
locks and heat sink captive screws.
(34) Check diode CR3 anode to ground for + 5V.
If short between standoff terminals El and E2
(35) If + 5V is not present, check BATTERY cir-
is removed, reinstall filter circuit card assem-
cuit breaker CB1-1 to ground for + 5V.
bly A4.
(36) If + 5V is not present, replace BATTERY
If short between standoff terminals El and E2
circuit breaker CB1.
remains, replace filter circuit card assembly
(37) Set BATTERY circuit breaker CB1 to OFF.