TS 6675-286-14/4-25
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
Do not use acetone on plastic material.
(1) Clean all parts except the lenses with a
(3) Inspect the eyepiece for bent or cracked
clean, dampened cloth.
metal parts.
(2) Clean the lenses with a soft brush, lens
(4) Replace a defective sunglass filter.
tissue, grain alcohol or acetone.
4-23. Sunshade
Do not use acetone on plastic material.
a. General The sunshade is of the push-fit type
(3) Inspect the lenses for chips, cracks, and
and can be easily installed or removed by hand
fungus etching. inspect the metal parts for bends,
from the objective end of the telescope. It is used
breaks, and worn or damaged threads.
to reduce glare when making sightings on bright,
(4) Replace all defective parts.
sunny days.
d. Installation.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Install telescope diagonal eyepiece (fig.
(1) Clean the sunshade with soap and water
4-25) by
turning locking ring clockwise.
and wipe dry.
(2) Install microscope diagonal eyepiece and
(2) Inspect the sunshade for cracks, breaks,
lock lever.
and defects.
(3) Replace a defective sunshade.
4-22. Sunglass Filter
a. General. The sunglass filter is a push-fit on
(Model T2-56-C-MIL)
the telescope eyepiece. It is held in place by spring
a. General. The autocollimation eyepiece is
action exerted by the filter body. The sunglass
issued with the Theodolite Model T2-56-C-MIL
f i l t e r is used to reduce glare so that direct
only. It permits focusing at a distance of 55 inches
sightings can be made of the sun. It can be
or less. The hand lamp, battery cable assembly,
mounted on either the telescope eyepiece or the
telescope diagonal eyepiece.
cannot be operated at the same time because the
b. Removal. The sunglass filter is a push-fit on
power source has only two female plugs. Any two
the telescope. Slide it off.
of the above can be operated simultaneously.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
b. Removal.
(1) Clean the metal part of the sunglass filter
(1) Disconnect the autocollimation eyepiece
with soap and water.
(2) Clean the lens with a soft brush, lens
autocollimation eyepiece.
tissue, grain alcohol or acetone.