position, the vertical circle image appears in the
g. Focus the telescope as follows:
upper window. Simultaneously with either of the
(1) Direct the telescope toward a Uniformly
circle images, the image of the micrometer scale is
light background. Adjust the telescope eyepiece
always visible in the lower window.
(fig. 2-1, sheet 1)
until the crosslines
are sharp and
2-4. Adjustments
a. General. There are two types of adjustments
Observe the setting on the eyepiece. Tbis setting
made on the theodolite; instrument and operational
will remain constant for the same observer but will
adjustments. Instrument adjustments bring the
vary for other Observers.
theodolite into proper operating condition with
(2) Adjust the telescope focusing tube (fig.
respect to the interrelationship of its parts and are
2-1, sheet 1) to bring into view a clear image of
not normally made in the field. Operational ad-
the object being sighted.
justments bring the theodolite into proper
h. The horizontal and vertical circle reading
relationship with the terrain being surveyed, and
scales are both observed through the microscope
are required each time the theodolite is set up for
eyepiece (fig. 2-1, sheet 1). When the line of the
actual surveying operations. This paragraph covers
inverter knob (fig. 2-1, sheet 2) is in a horizontal
instrument adjustments.
position, the horizontal circle image (fig. 2-1, sheet
4) appears in the upper window. When the inverter
the circular level.
knob is turned with the line in the vertical