a. Horizontal and Vertical Circle Scales.
(1) The vertical circle scale or the horizontal
a. The instructions in this section are published
circle scale may be observed in the upper portion
for the information and guidance of the personnel
responsible for the operation of the theodolite.
eyepiece, when the bisecting line of the inverter
b. The operator must know how to perform
knob is placed in position to correspond with the
every operation of which the theodolite is capable.
scale used.
This section gives instructions on handling and
(2) Two separate images are visible, divided
preparation for operation of the theodolite basic
by a horizontal line. The double image represents
motions, adjustments, and on coordinating the
diametrically opposite parts of the applicable
basic motions to perform the specific tasks for
which the equipment is designed. Since nearly
every job presents a different problem, the
b. Micrometer Scale.
operator may have to vary given procedures to fit
(1) The micrometer scale may be observed in
the individual job.
the lower portion of the micrometer window,
through the microscope eyepiece when measuring
2-2. Controls and Instruments
either horizontal or vertical angles.
The purpose of controls and instruments and
their normal and maximum reading are illustrated
horizontal and vertical circle scales, and is accurate
to 0.002 mil. Estimates maybe made to 0.001 mil.