TM 5-6675-270-15
Graduation interval of
b. Tabulated data.
horizontal and vertical
(1) General.
circles -------------------------------- 0.2 mils (Type II)
1 minute (Type I )
Manufacturer ------------------------ Wild Heerbrugg Ltd.
Sensitivity of plate level ------ 30 sec (seconds) per 2
Heerbrugg, Switzerland
mm (millimeter)
Models --------------------------------------- T16-MIL 66, Type II
T16-MIL 68, Type II
Ragnification of microscope ----- 40x
T16-68 DEG, Type I
Telescope ------------------------------- 28 x (power)
eres), miniature screw
Shortest focusing distance ------- 4.5 ft.
Longest aiming distance at
which centimeter can be
(2) Dimentions and weights. Refer to figure
read ------------------------------------ 1000 ft.
1-9 for
illustrated shipping dimensions.
Longest aiming distance at
which millimeter can be
Tripod, extended -------------------- 5 1/2 ft.
evaluated ---------------------------- 450 ft.
Tripod, folded -------------------------- 3 ft.
Normal range ------------------------ 6 to 12 mi. (miles)
Instrument ----------------------------- 10 lb. (pounds)
Clear objective aperture ------- 1-57 in.
Carrying case ------------------------- 3 3/4 lb.
Diameter of field at 1000 ft ----- 29 ft.
Tripod ------------------------------------- 12 1/2 lb.
(3) Maintenance
and operating supplies.
Addition constant ------------------- 0
There are no maintenance or operating supplies
Glass circles ------------------------- 6400 mils (Type II)
for this equipment.
360 (Type I)
ME 6675 -270-15/1-9