If e q u i p m e n t
The microscope assembly (4, fig. 1-4) is an
a s s e m b l y located on the telescope axis and is used
This section describes,
illustrates, and
t o bring the horizontal and vertical circle images
furnishes the operator sufficient
into focus.
pertaining to the various controls, scales, and levels
provided for the proper operation of the theodolite.
T h i s section also provides instructions on handling
T h e compass holder (2, fig. 1-3) is located on the
and setting up the theodolite, the basic motions and
upper right side of the alidade and is used to secure
a d j u s t m e n t s , and tells how to coordinate the basic
the circular compass to the theodolite. Two ad-
motions and adjustments to perform the specific
justing screws in the base of the tubes of the holder
t a s k s for which the theodolite is designed.
are used by the operator to level the compass.
2-2. Vertical Clamp
The vertical clamp screw ( 12, fig. 1-3) is located on
T h e compass caging knob (19, fig. 2-1) is located
the right side cover of the theodolite. The clamp is
o n the bottom of the compass, and is used by the
pressure-actuated by the clamp screw and allows
operator to release the compass circle, allowing the
the telescope to be turned 360 on its axis, or to be
circle to swing freely on the needle screw. When the
l o c k e d in a fixed position.
k n o b is released, the circle is withdrawn from the
p i v o t by a spring.
U s e only the slightest pressure on the
k n u r l e d knob to release or tighten the
The compass clamp screw (1, fig. 2-1 ) is located on
vertical clamp.
the rear side of the compass housing, and is used by
2-3. Reticle Mirror Knobs
the operator to lock the housing in any desired
T h e reticle mirror knob (4, fig. 1-1 ) is located on
position on the compass base.
the top of the telescope axle. This knob controls the
amount of light which can fall on the telescope
T h e compass eyepiece (3, fig. 2-1 ), located on the
f r o n t side of the compass housing, is used by the
2-4. Telescope Focusing Ring
o p e r a t o r to focus the reference mark assembly and
The telescope focusing ring (16, fig. 1-4) is a
t o read the compass azimuth scale.
knurled control located adjacent to the eyepiece end
of the telescope. This ring is used to bring the object
t o be sighted into focus.
( 4 , fig. 2-1) is located on the lower portion of the
c o m p a s s housing, and is used by the operator for
The telescope eyepiece (1, fig. 1-4) is a knurled and
a z i m u t h reference and orientation.
g r a d u a t e d assembly located on the eyepiece end of
the telescope. It is used to bring the telescope reticle
into focus.