TM 5-1260-206-12
Section II.
2 - 2 . GENERAL - Preventive maintenance checks and services must be performed
b y the operator in order to keep the system at an optimum performance level.
a . Before You Operate.
Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS.
Perform the before (B) PMCS.
b . While You Operate.
Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS.
Perform your during (D) PMCS.
If Your Equipment Fails To Operate.
T r o u b l e s h o o t with proper
e q u i p m e n t according to the maintenance instructions listed in Chapter 3,
S e c t i o n I I I . R e p o r t any deficiencies that you cannot correct using the
p r o p e r forms, see DA Pam 738-750.
2 - 3 . PMCS PROCEDURES - T a b l e 2-1 is a listing of preventive maintenance
D u r i n g the performance of these procedures,
c h e c k s and services for the APPS.
first check the condition of the item to be inspected. Then, if service is
n e e d e d , p e r f o r m t h e i n d i c a t e d p r o c e d u r e . T h e following Interval Column
definitions are used:
B = Before
W = Weekly
M = Monthly