TM 11-6625-821-45
(3) Slide the control unit into the CON-
(9) Place hub on needle (11) through
TROL opening.
center hole in dial (12).
(4) Secure the control unit to the test set
(10) Slide hub on needle (11) on shaft of
front panel with the Dzus fasteners
resolver B1 (21) until end of shaft
located in each comer of the control
is flush with front side of needle
(11) If dial window (9) has been re-
3-10. Reassembly and Replacement of
moved from front cover (5), replace
it now by placing window seal (8)
around dial window (9). Then care-
a. Reassembly (fig. 3-1).
fully push dial window (9) into front
(1) Mount resolver B1 (21) on the rear
cover (5).
of resolver housing (17), and secure
(12) Slide shaft sleeve (6) into shaft hole
with three resolver clamps (18), three
in front cover (5).
Iockwashers (19), and three machine
(13) Lubricate inside of shaft sleeve (6)
Screws (20) .
with Dow Corning stopcock grease.
(2) secure terminal board TB4 (22) to
(14) Insert shaft of drive gear (7) into
resolver housing (17) with lockwash-
shaft sleeve (6) from rear of front
er (23) and machine screw (24).
cover (5).
(3) Connect, but do not solder, the re-
(15) From f rent of front cover (5), slide
solver wires to terminal board TB4
spring washer (4) over shaft of drive
(22) in the following order:
gear (7).
(a) Connect the blue wire to terminal
(16) Slide knob (1) over shaft of drive
gear (7).
(b) Connect the orange wire to termi-
(17) Slightly squeeze knob (1) and drive
nal 2.
gear (7) together, and tighten two
(c) Connect the resolver ground wire
setscrews (2 and 3).
to terminal 3.
(18) Place front cover (5) over resolver
(d) Connect the black wire to terminal
housing (17), oriented so drive gear
(7) meshes with idler gear (16).
(e) Connect the red wire to terminal
(19) Place gasket (25) on rear side of front
cover (5). Align holes in g a s k e t
(4) Slide resolver gear (13) on the shaft
(25) with holes on rear side of front
of resolver B1 (21) with the hub on
cover (5).
resolver gear (13) toward the body
(20) Place rear housing (26) on rear side
of resolver B1 (21).
of front cover (5) with pin protrud-
(5) Tighten two setscrews (14 and 15).
ing from rear housing (26) inserted
These two setscrews are accessible
in small hole on rear side of front
through a hole in the smaller rim of
cover (5).
resolver housing (17).
(21) Secure rear housing (26) to front
(6) Slide idler gear (16) onto its pin on
cover (5) with eight machine screws
resolver housing (17), and mesh with
resolver gear (13).
(22) Adjust LOOP SIMULATOR (para
{7) Place dial (12) in resolver housing
(17) with the notch in dial (12)
around a pin protruding from re-
b. Replacement.
solver housing (17).
(1) Bring the two shielded, twisted pair
(8) Secure dial (12) in place by placing
of leads out to the front of the test
dial retainer (10) inside rim of re-
set front panel through the LOOP
solver housing (17).