(g) Align. To adjust two or more components of an electrical system, so that their functions are properly
(h) Calibrate. To determine, check, or rectify the graduation of an instrument, weapon, or weapons
system, or components of a weapons system.
Overhaul. To restore an item to completely serviceable condition as prescribed by serviceability
standards developed and published by heads of technical services. This is accomplished through
employment of the technique of "Inspect and Repair Only as Necessary" (IROAN). Maximum
utilization of diagnostic and test equipment is combined with minimum disassembly of the item during
the overhaul process.
Rebuild. To restore an item to a standard as near as possible to original or new condition in
appearance, performance, and life expectancy. This is accomplished through the maintenance
technique of complete disassembly of the item, inspection of all parts or components, repair or
replacement of worn or unserviceable elements using original manufacturing tolerances and/or
specifications, and subsequent reassembly of the item.
(3) 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th echelons (operator, organizational, direct support, general support and depot). The
symbol X in columns 3 through 7 indicates the categories responsible for performing that particular
maintenance operation, but does not necessarily indicate that repair parts will be stocked at that level.
Categories higher than those marked by X are authorized to perform the indicated operation.
(4) Tools required. This column indicates codes assigned to each individual tool equipment test equipment,
and maintenance equipment referenced. The grouping of codes in this column of the maintenance
allocation chart indicates the tool, test, and maintenance equipment required to perform the maintenance
(5) Remarks. Entries in this column are used to clarify any of the data cited in the preceding columns.
Columns in the allocation of tools for maintenance functions chart as follows:
(1) Tools required for maintenance functions. This column lists tools, test, and maintenance equipment
required to perform the maintenance functions.
(2) 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th echelons (operator, organizational, direct support, general support, and depot).
The dagger ( ) symbol in these columns indicates the echelons normally allocated the facility.