T.O. 33D3-10-6-4
part number column. Part numbers are used exclu-
sively to identify parts.
1-2. This illustrated Parts Breakdown lists, des-
cribes and illustrates the parts of the following
1-8. Parts to which no number has been assigned
equipment manufactured by the Sperry Phoenix Com-
but which may be purchased on the open market are
pany Division of Sperry Rand Corporation, Phoenix,
identified by the word "Coml", shown in the part num-
ber column. When ordering these parts, the complete.
description must be given.
Part Number
1-9. DESCRIPTION COLUMN. In this column is
Table Scorsby
listed the noun name of the part, as assigned according
to Federal Item Identification Guides for Supply Cata-
loging H6-1 or ANA Bulletin No. 411A, together with
modifiers and enough descriptive information to com-
Adapter Scorsby
pletely identify the part. Parts purchased from ven-
1-3. This breakdown will be used for requisitioning,
dors other than Sperry are so indicated by means of
storing, issuing and identifying parts. For overhaul
manufacturer's code symbols as assigned by Federal
procedures of the equipment refer to the appropriate
Supply Code for Manufacturer H4-1, or by the name
handbook of overhaul instructions.
and address of the vendor when no manufacturer's
code symbol has been assigned. If a part is purchased
from a vendor other than Sperry, the Sperry number
of the part is listed on the descriptive column while
the vendor's part number is listed in the part number
List, consists of a breakdown of the complete unit
into subassemblies and detailed parts. Each assembly
is listed in its order of disassembly and is followed
immediately by its component parts indented to show
lists the quantity of assemblies or parts required in
their relationship to the assembly. Attaching parts
the immediately preceding assembly of which the
are listed immediately following the part which they
given part of assembly is a component. The quantities
attach. Items which are made from raw stock, such
specified, therefore, are not necessarily the total
as cut lengths of wire, insulating materials, and seal
used per equipment. Refer to the Numerical Index,
wire are not included in the Group Assembly Parts
The Letters "AR" denote that the selection of a part
or parts should be made "as required". "REF" refers
to an assembly which is completely assembled on a
this column, the digits preceding the hyphen refer to
preceding illustration, and is now exploded on the il-
the figure in the parts breakdown on which a part or
lustration on which it is referenced. In this case the
assembly is illustrated. The digits following the
description has a notation which refers to the illus-
hyphen are the index numbers of procurable and
tration on which the assembly is shown completely
non-procurable parts and assemblies. Parts shown
assembled and indexed.
for reference purposes only are not given index num-
bers. The index numbers are arranged numerically
1-11. USABLE ON CODE COLUMN. Part variations
in the Group Assembly Parts List and are used
within the groups of equipment are indicated by a
mainly to identify parts found on an illustration, and
letter symbol immediately following the units per
to assist in locating a part in the Group Assembly
assembly in the "Usable on Code" column. In cases
Parts List after it has been found in the Numerical
where the "Usable on Code" column has been left
blank, parts listed apply to all the equipment covered
by this book.
1-7. PART NUMBER COLUMN. In this column are
listed either the Sperry part numbers which are the
same as drawing numbers, AN (Air Force-Navy),
JAN (Joint Army-Navy), MIL (Military), FED (Fed-
all the part numbers appearing in the part number
eral) standard part numbers, or part numbers of
column of the Group Assembly Parts List.
vendors other than Sperry. If a part is purchased
1-14. PART NUMBER COLUMN. In this column
from a vendor and the part is not physically altered
by Sperry, the vendor's part number is listed in the
are listed part numbers, which are the same as