TM 11-4920-209-15-1
3-1. Scope of
3-3. Preventive Maintenance
The maintenance duties assigned to the
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care,
organizational repairman of Tilting Table
servicing, and inspection of equipment to pre-
MX-4042A/ASW-12 are listed below with a
vent the occurrence of trouble, to reduce down-
reference to the paragraph covering the specific
time, and to assure that the equipment is
maintenance function.
a. Daily preventive maintenance checks and
a. Systematic Care. The procedures given in
systematic care and cleaning essential to
b. Weekly preventive maintenance checks
proper upkeep and operation of the equipment.
c. Monthly preventive maintenance checks
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Serv-
ices. The preventive maintenance checks and
services charts (paras 3-5, 3-6, and 3-7)
d. Cleaning (3-8).
outline functions to be performed at specific
e. Cleaning and touchup maintenance in-
intervals. These checks and services are to
maintain equipment in a combat serviceable
condition; that is, in good general (physical)
condition and in good operating condition. To
assist operators in maintaining combat serv-
iceability, the charts indicate what to check,
3-2. Special Tools and Equipment Required
how to check, and what the conditions are; the
for Maintenance
references column lists the illustrations or
a. Tool Equipment. Tool Kit, Electronic
paragraphs, that contain additional informa-
Equipment TK100/G or Tool Kit, Electronic
tion. If the defect cannot be remedied by
performing the corrective action indicated,
352B/U are required for maintenance.
higher category of maintenance or repair is
b. Materials.
required. Records and reports of these checks
and services must be made in accordance with
(1) Cleaning compound (Federal stock
the requirements set forth in TM 38-750.
No. 7930-395-9542).
Warning: Prolonged breathing of clean-
3-4. Preventive Maintenance Checks and
ing compound is dangerous; make certain that
Services Periods
adequate ventilation is provided. Cleaning
Preventive maintenance checks and service of
compound is flammable; do not use near a
the tilting table are required on a daily, weekly,
(2) Cleaning cloth.
checks and services that must be performed
(3) Grease, a i r c r a f t and instrument
(GL) (Federal stock No. 9150-257-5449).
ices that must be performed weekly. If the
(4) Fine sandpaper.
equipment is maintained in a standby condi-
(5) Touchup paint.
tion, the daily and weekly checks and services