SB 11-645
are to be shipped back to the contractor as soon as they
PPP-T-76. Place the cushioned item within a close
are packaged and all accompanying documents are
fitting fiberboard box conforming to PPP-B-636, W5c,
completed. All shipments must be insured up to the
and seal all scams and joints with tape conforming to
limit of their value or permissible maximum allowed by
(c) When individual components are being
the USPS (not to exceed the shipment value).
shipped, the packaged item shall be overpacked within
(e) All materiel for repair and return is to be
a close-fitting box.
(d) When more than one item or set is being
shipped to the address listed in g(4) above. The
address is to be clearly indentifiable on the outside of
shipped, a quantity of the package items shall be
the shipping container and all accompanying shipping
overpacked within a close-fitting box.
(e) Substitute packaging materiels may be
slected from those items listed in SB 38-100.
(4) Shipment markings for return of warranty repair
(f) Activities returning equipment for repair
items. The packed radio sets or individual items shall
(RIW) shall also indicate their complete in-the-clear
address where the equipment is to be shipped after
be addressed to the contractor marked as follows:
repair. This in-the-clear address shall be included on
Rockwell International
DA Form 2407, block 16a. Failure to include the return
Collins Government Avionics Division
address will delay equipment returns to users.
440 Collins Rd. N.E.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 62406
(g) All air frame contractors and other
authorized DOD commercial repair facilities returning
system components for warranty will complete a DD
M/F: Contract DAAB-07-78-3309
Form 1149 (Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document)
as required by DOD 4160.21-M, , Defense Disposal
h. Transportation.
Manual (formerly AR 755-20).
(1) The transportation costs for the shipments
of failed equipment to the contractor's plant or repair
facility are to be borne by the user or shipping activity.
Although shipment will be accomplished through
use of one or the other documents listed above
(2) Special procedures for activities returning
(DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1149),
defective equipment are as follows:
accountability for equipment returned for
(a) Materiel will be shipped to the
repair/replacement will be the responsibility of
the USER (returnee) until receipt at the
contractor's plant for repair and returned in accordance
Contractor Repair Facility. Accountability will
with those procedures contained in the equipment
then be assumed by the Defense Contracting
technical manual (TM), along with the documentation
Administration Service Management Area
prescribed therein.
(DCASMA) Administrative Contracting Office
(b) Equipment returned to the contractor's
(ACO), for contract DAAB07-78-C-3309.
plant will contain only those items covered under this
(h) Distribution of DD Form 1348-1 or DD
contract and listed in 6a above.
Form 1149 is as follows:
(c) All Army and other DOD activities
1. One copy accompanying the equipment
returning AN/ARN-124 or components for warranty
returned to the contractor, addressed to:
repair will complete a DD Form 1348-1 as required by
AR 725-50 (Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System).
Rockwell International
Collins Government Avionics Division
(d) Al items are to be shipped by insured
440 Collins Rd. N.E.
priority mail with return receipt requested. In addition to
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406
the priority mail markings the parcels should also be
AMTN: US Army RIW Administrator
marked "Fourth Class Mail Enclosed". Authorization for
the above exception to AR 340-3 has been granted for
RIW items by Director, Postal Directorate, HQDA. The
authorization is contained in DAAG-MAP (1 Jul 77) 3rd
Ind, Subject: Request for Exception to Permit the Use of
Certified Mail and Return Receipts When Mailing
MILSTRIP Parcels dated 11 April 1978. All failed units