CHAPTER 1Figure 1-1. Theodolite front view,Figure 1-2. Theodolite, left side view. - TM-5-6675-307-140011Figure 1-3. Theodolite, rear view.Identification and Tabulated Data - TM-5-6675-307-140013CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6675-307-140014Figure 2-1. Theodolite transport case.Figure 2-2. Theodolite carrying case, removal and installation.Figure 2-3. Theodolite carrying case cover, removal and installation.Figure 2-5. Tool and accessory case.Figure 2-7. Tripod, setting up (Sheet 1 of2 ).Figure 2-7. Tripod, setting up (Sheet 2 of 2 ).Figure 2-8. Theodolite, installation on tripod.Figure 2-9. Illumination system, installation.Section II. MOVEMENT' TO A NEW WORK SITESection III. CONTROLS AND INDICATORSFigure 2-12. Controls and indicators (Sheet 2 of 2 ).Figure 2-13. Circle and microscope scales.Section IV. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-5-6675-307-140027Figure 2-14. Theodolite, leveling.Figure 2-15. Plate level, adjustment.Figure 2-16. Circular level, adjustment.Figure 2-17. Line-of-sight adjustment.Section V. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-5-6675-307-140032Operation Under Rainy or Humid ConditionsCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR/ CREW MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6675-307-140034Figure 3-1. Lubrication chart (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 3-1. Lubrication chart (Sheet 2 of 2).Section III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - TM-5-6675-307-140037Table 3-2. Troubleshooting - TM-5-6675-307-140038CHAPTER 4 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection IV. LUBRICATIONSection VI. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-6675-307-140041Section VI. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-6675-307-140042Section VIII. TRIPOD ASSEMBLY, PLUMB BOB, AND TRIPOD WRENCHPlumb Bob and Tripod Wrench - TM-5-6675-307-140044Figure 4-3. Tripod, exploded view.Section IX. MAINTENANCE OF CARRYING CASE AND TRANSPORTATION CASEFigure 4-6. Transport case inserts, removal and installation.Section X. MAINTENANCE OF ACCESSORIESFigure 4-7. Hand lamp, exploded view.Figure 4-8. Battery case, rheostat knob, removal and installation.Section I. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTTable 5-2. TroubleshootingTable 5-2. Troubleshooting-ContinuedSection III. GENERAL MAINTENANCE - TM-5-6675-307-140054Figure 5-2. Telescope level, removal and installation.Figure 5-4. Plate level, removal and installation.CHAPTER 6 REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSTribrach AssemblyFigure 6-2. Tribrach, exploded view.Tribrach Assembly-cont.CHAPTER 7 MAINTENANCE OF MATERIAL USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE THEODOLITEFigure 7-1. Tripod, exploded view.Section II. MAINTENANCE OF CARRYING AND TRANSPORT CASESFigure 7-2. Carrying case, exploded view.Transport CaseFigure 7-3. Transport case, exploded view.Section III. MAINTENANCE OF THEODOLITE ACCESSORIESFigure 7-4. Light attachment, exploded view.Figure 7-5. Battery case, exploded view.Figure 7-6. Battery case, schematic diagram.Figure 7-7. Telescope prismatic eyepiece.Figure 7-8. Microscope prismatic eyepiece, exploded view.APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-5-6675-307-140073APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEMS LIST - TM-5-6675-307-140074Section II INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-5-6675-307-140075APPENDIX C ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST - TM-5-6675-307-140076APPENDIX D MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-6675-307-140077Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-6675-307-140078Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-5-6675-307-140079Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-5-6675-307-140080APPENDIX E EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-5-6675-307-140081TM-5-6675-307-14 Theodolite Surveying Directional 1-Minute Graduation W/Compass and Extension Leg Tripod Keuffel & Esser Model KE/G6-730075 Manual