TM 5-6675-306-14
c. Theodolite.
1-1), micrometer knob, and inverter knobs for smooth
operation throughout their full travel.
(1) Visually inspect the theodolite for broken or
missing parts, cracked or scratched lens and mirrors,
loose or missing hardware, and other indications of
for smooth operation throughout their full travel.
d. Tripod Assembly.
(2) Rotate the three leveling footscrews (fig.
1-1) and inspect for rough travel and instability.
assembly for damaged or missing parts and loose or
missing hardware.
(3) Inspect the telescope and horizontal clamps (fig.
1-4) for improper operation.
accessory case for damage. See that the plumb bob
(4) Inspect the horizontal slow-motion screw,
assembly and tripod wrench are contained in the case
and are in serviceable condition.
slow-motion screw (fig.1-2) for improper operation.
(5) Inspect the reticle illumination knob (fig.