Section I. GENERAL - TM-5-6675-306-140009Battery box (batteries troop installed, not supplied)Figure 1-1. Theodolite, front view. - TM-5-6675-306-140011Figure 1-2. Theodolite, left side viewFigure 1-3. Theodolite, rearview.Figure 1-4. Theodolite, right side view.Identification and Tabulated Data - TM-5-6675-306-140015chapter 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6675-306-140016Figure 2-1. Theodolite carrying case, removal and installation.Figure 2-2. Carrying case base.Inspecting and Servicing The EquipmentFigure 2-3. Tripod assembly.Figure 2-4. Tripod accessory case, unpacked view.Accessory Case. - TM-5-6675-306-140022Figure 2-5. Accessory case, unpacked view.Battery Box. - TM-5-6675-306-140024Figure 2-6. Battery box, unpacked view.Figure 2-7. Haversack. 2-11Installation - TM-5-6675-306-140027Figure 2-8. Tripod and plumb bob, removal and installation.Figure 2-9. Theodolite, removal and installation.Figure 2-10. Theodolite carrying case, removal and installation.Figure 2-11. Theodolite carrying case base, removal and installation.Equipment Conversion - TM-5-6675-306-140032Figure 2-12. Illumination system, removal and installation.Figure 2-13. Theodolite diagonal eyepieces, removal and installation.Section II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITE - TM-5-6675-306-140035Figure 2-14. Controls and instruments (Sheet 1 of 4).Figure 2-14. Controls and instruments (Sheet 2 of 4).Figure 2-14. Controls and instruments (Sheet 3 of 4).Figure 2-14. Controls and instruments (Sheet 4 of 4).Section IV. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-5-6675-306-140040Figure 2-15. Plate level adjustment.Figure 2-16. Collimation, vertical and horizontal slow-notion screws, adjustment.Figure 2-17. Horizontal circle drive knob, adjustment.Figure 2-18. Footscrews, adjustment.Figure 2-19. Horizontal collimation error, adjustment.Figure 2-20. Vertical collimation error, adjustment.Figure 2-21. Circular level, adjustment.Figure 2-22. Optical plummet, adjustment.Operation of TheodoliteFigure 2-23. Theodolite leveling.Section V. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-5-6675-306-140051CHAPTER 3 OPERATOR/ CREW MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6675-306-140052Figure 3-1. Lubrication Chart-Sheet 1 of 2 ).Figure 3-1. Lubrication Chart (Sheet 2 of 2 ).Section III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - TM-5-6675-306-140055Table 3-2. Troubleshooting - TM-5-6675-306-140056Figure 3-2. Lamp and battery, removal and installation.CHAPTER 4 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTUCTIONSSection V. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCETable 4-3. TroubleshootingCleaning, inspection, and repair. - TM-5-6675-306-140061Figure 4-1. Carrying case hood, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 4-2. Carrying case base, disassembly and reassembly.Section VIII. SUNSHADEFigure 4-3. Tribrach assembly, removal and installation.Section X. ILLUMINATION MIRRORSFigure 4-4. Illumination mirrors, removal and installation.Figure 4-5. Illumination mirrors, disassembly and reassembly.Section XI. TRIPODASSEMBLY, PLUMB BOB, ANDTRIPODWRENCHFigure 4-6. Tripod, disassembly and reassembly.Plumb Bob and Tripod Wrench - TM-5-6675-306-140071Figure 4-7. Plumb bob, disassembly and reassembly.Section XII. ACCESSORIESGrease ContainerCHAPTER 5 DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORTFigure 5-1. Tripod base wrench, fabrication.Section II.TROUBLESHOOTINGSection III. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS AND AUXILIARIESFigure 5-2. Base plate and footscrews, removal and installation.Foots crew AssemblyFigure 5-3. Footscrew assemblies, removal and installation.Locking Plate, Lock Knob and Circular Level - TM-5-6675-306-140082Figure 5-4. Locking plate, lock knob and circular level, removal disassembly and installation.AccessoriesCHAPTER 6 REPAIR OF TRIBRACH ASSEMBLYFigure 6-1. Base plate, disassembly and reassembly.Foots crewsFigure 6-2. F9tscrfw assembly, disassembly and reassembly.Locking Plate, Lock Knob and Circular Level - TM-5-6675-306-140089CHAPTER 7 REPAIR OF BATTERY BOX, HANDLAMP AND CONNECTING CALBE,AND LAMP FITTINGSFigure 7-1. Battery box, disassembly and reassembly.Hand lamp and Connecting CableFigure 7-2. Handlamp and connecting cable, disassembly and reassembly.Lamp FittingsFigure 7-3. Lamp fittings, disassembly and reassembly.Cleaning, inspection, and repair. - TM-5-6675-306-140096APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-5-6675-306-140097APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEMS LIST - TM-5-6675-306-140098Section II INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-5-6675-306-140099Section II INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-5-6675-306-140100APPENDIX C ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST - TM-5-6675-306-140101APPENDIX D MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-6675-306-140102Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-6675-306-140103Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-6675-306-140104Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - CONTSection Ill. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSAPPENDIX E EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-5-6675-306-140107TM-5-6675-306-14 Theodotile Directional; 1-Second Graduation 5.9 In Long Telescope: Detachable Tribrach W/Accessories and Tripod Manual