TM 5-6675-250-10
(2) Mode select switch (2). The MODE
SELECT switch is maintained in the
PWR OFF position when the equip-
ment is not in operation. Placing the
switch in THEO ILLUM position lights
the telescope reticle, the scales and
the autocollimation eyepiece. Plac-
ing the switch in the SELF TEST posi-
tion enables the operator to perform
assurance tests of the equipment
b e f o r e and during operation. The
d e t e r m i n a t i o n and setting of bias
conditions is accomplished with the
use of the MODE SELECT switch in
the BIAS position. Placing the switch
t o GC (gyro compassing) applies
power to the gyro motor and initiates
the alignment operation of the instru-
ment. Through the BRAKE ON posi-
tion, the gyro motor is stopped when
it is desired to repeat alignments or
shut down the instrument. With the
MODE SELECT switch in the THEO
ILLUM position, all system power is
off except to the theodolite. In this
mode the theodolite may be used for
determining azimuths from the origi-
nal north determination, but the azi-
muth should be verified by re-reading
to the target after caging and braking
of the gyro wheel. In this mode the
theodolite can also be used for any
normal theodolite procedure.